A Quick Guide to Ayyappa Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]

Lord Ayyappa, like many gods of the Hindu pantheon, has a long and interesting story. It informs many of the benefits and uses of the mantra, explaining its power and functionality. Unlike many mantras we cover, there are not countless variations of the mantra; it is a relatively specific mantra with a set meaning, making it easy to remember and use. Let’s take a look at the Ayyappa Mantra now.

A Free Printable Puja Guide to help you chant Ayyappa Mantra

I’m so proud of this puja guide, so I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a puja guide.

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

This Ayyappa Mantra puja guide is completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock it.

What is Ayyappa Mantra?

The Ayyappa Mantra is dedicated to Lord Ayyappa, a deity born of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu’s female avatar, Mohini. Lord Ayyappa is a forgiving and generous entity, known to forgive even his worst enemies. His mantra removes obstacles and problems in the chanter’s life and functions as a protection mantra.

Despite not being as ancient an entity like many other Hindu deities, Lord Ayyappa has a strong following and his mantra is potent when chanted consistently and with conviction. All people of all ages and genders can use the mantra to enrich their lives both physically and spiritually, as well as increase their prosperity.

So who is Lord Ayyappa? What is his mantra? And what benefits might we reap from its use? Let us explore further below.

Who exactly is Lord Ayyappa?

In the Hindu pantheon, Lord Ayyappa is a relatively recent addition but has a long history all the same and a varied story.

As touched upon above, he is the offspring of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, who in this instance appeared as his female avatar Mohini.

lord ayyappa Guide to Ayyappa Mantra article
Lord Ayyappa by AstroVed

He was conceived to help destroy a powerful demon, Mahishi. She was the sister of the demon king Mahishasur, who had been slain by Goddess Durga. Mahishi swore revenge, with a boon from Lord Brahma saying she could only be killed by the child of Vishnu and Shiva.

Ayyappa was sent to Earth and adopted by king Rajashekhara. When found, he had a gold bell around his neck, leading to the name Manikandan, or “gold neck”. During his time on Earth, he performed miracles on the sick, foiled a royal conspiracy by acquiring tiger milk (a task intended to either kill or humiliate him), and ultimately defeated Mahishi.

Ayyappa is depicted as a handsome god with a golden bell around his neck. He can often be found in one of three variations:

  • With a bow and arrow in the left hand, and a bow or sword in his right held across his thigh.
  • In a yogic position.
  • Riding a tiger.

Ayyappa is also known as Ayyappan and Manikandan. He is particularly worshipped in the south of India and is known across several regions and traditions in the area.

How to Chant Ayyappa Mantra?

The Ayyappa mantra should be chanted daily, where possible and if it’s not possible to chant daily, Wednesdays, Sundays and Uthraphalguni Nakshatra days are best. It should be chanted 9, 18, or 108 times, preferably between 6-9AM, facing to the east.

The most powerful prayer is as follows:
Om bhuthanathaya vidmahe
Bhava putraya dhimahi
Thanno sashtha prachodayath.

Ayyappa Mantra Translation in English

The meaning of this mantra in English translates roughly as follows:

“We shall know Lord Ayyappa
We shall meditate upon the Son of Shiva
And through this, Sashta will give us enlightenment.”

While mantras can often be chanted anywhere at any time, there is a recommended process to follow get the most benefits from this mantra.

  • Bathe or wash your hands and feet prior to beginning the chant.
  • Sit facing the East when doing the puja.
  • Devote yourself completely to Lord Ayyappa. Let yourself receive the positivity and protection of the Universe.
  • When chanting you need to look up in the sky, or better look at his picture.
  • Recite the mantra for at least 45 days with utmost devotion. If you are unable to chant every day, as said above, you can chant on Wednesdays, Sundays, and Uthraphalguni Nakshatra days.
  • You need to wear a white garment to show your full devotion.
  • You should do the puja early in the morning. The ideal time to chant is between 6.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m
  • The mantra can be initiated on any Wednesday, Utharaphalguni or Karthika Nakshatra day, Ekadasi thithi, or Shasthi thithi. Then continue for 45 days straight, or as available.
  • Chant the mantras at least 9 times or 18, or 108 times and use the beads of a rosary to keep count every time.
  • Let thoughts pass you by, do not dwell on the past or future; concentrate on your mantra; and count the repetitions.

7 Miraculous Ayyappa Mantra Benefits

Like all powerful mantras, the Ayyappa mantra confers many benefits to the chanter who is devoted and diligent. It is not possible to benefit from the mantra, or any mantra, simply through chanting it once or twice on occasion.
It is also not possible to benefit through idle repetition of the mantra. You must chant the mantra consistently and with devotion; only this way can you achieve the desired results.

  1. Protection From Bad Luck: This mantra protects the chanter from ongoing negative forces. If you’ve ever felt that misfortune seemed to pile upon you, it can help free you from the cycle of negativity and bring good fortune to you and your family.
  2. Protection From Negative Forces: Even the humblest person on Earth has enemies and those who harbor ill thoughts and wishes against them. Such negative energies aimed a person can begin to impact their life, from their mood and self-esteem to their physical health.

    This mantra protects the chanter from these negative energies. So kind and forgiving was Ayyappa of his enemies that directing this mantra to your foes will make them less inclined to wish ill for you to begin with.

  3. Improved Health: Those suffering from ill health can benefit from the mantra. Lord Ayyappa cured a deaf and blind child in his journeys on Earth. This healing energy can be visited upon devoted chanters of the mantra. Whether it is a chronic illness or recovery from an injury, the mantra will alleviate suffering and help the body to restore itself faster than before.
  4. Improved Mental Health: Stress, depression, and anxiety are endemic in modern society. It is well known that meditation and chanting of mantras can help with mental wellbeing, and the mantra is no exception. Through devoted chanting of this mantra consistently, one can help restore themselves to proper psychological health.

    Stress, depression, and anxiety can all be alleviated and lessened through the chanting of this mantra, as he bestows a bounty of good health and positivity to his devotee.

  5. Improved Work Performance: This mantra is known to take down obstacles in life. These obstacles include those that stand between us and achieving our goals and desires. For instance, those who seek a raise at work, or a promotion, or even better recognition, will benefit from the use of it. Obstacles between you and your success will fall aside, bringing you good fortune and prosperity.
  6. Improved Academic Performance: There are many obstacles in our academic lives. We must balance work, study, and social interactions; we must focus and retain information, and also be able to recall it. We must be able to operate under stress. All of these can become obstacles that stand between us and our academic achievements. With the mantra, the path to academic success will be cleared away for us, and we will attain the results we deserve.
  7. Be Better People: Ayyappa, like many Hindu deities, was a strong proponent of dharma, the way of righteous action. He helped those in need, uncovered deception, and forgave those who conspired against him.

    Chanting the mantra can help the chanter to put themselves on the path of dharma and feel an improvement in their sense of self-esteem, an improvement in how kind and compassionate they are, and thus an improvement in their relationships with other people.

Final Thoughts

Lord Ayyappa was a benevolent Hindu deity conceived to destroy a powerful demon. Chanting his mantra will bestow upon the chanter boons of mental and physical health, as well as prosperity and success in their endeavors.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

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A Complete Guide to Navagraha Mantra [9 Planets Explained]

First Navagraha mantra and all other 8 of them were written by Rishi Vyasa and are considered as peace mantras for the nine planets. If the planets are auspicious and have no adverse effect, then you don’t need to chant these mantras.

What is Navagraha Mantra?

Navagraha mantras are auspicious hymns or Mantras that act as powerful healing tools that stabilize the adverse effects of the planets in our lives. These play a vital role in determining the physical and mental condition of a person.

The word ‘Navagraha’ is a Sanskrit word where ‘Nav’ means nine and ‘Graha’ means to seize or grasp. In Vedic astrology, The nine planets in our Solar System are called grahas as they are the evolutionary forces that teach us how to harmonize with the universe. So,’ Navagraha’ or ‘Navgrah’ means the nine planets. The position of the planets and their movements influence our life and affect our personal, emotional, financial and physical aspects.


But sometimes the planets are malefic or inauspicious in the birth chart or kundali, and they negatively affect your life. In such situations, you may have to face troubles in your life regarding many issues. These situations can be handled by chanting these specialized mantras that cool down the planets and minimize their harmful effects.

The Hindu panchanga or religious calendar lists the auspicious and inauspicious time for daily use and festivals. These timings depend on the movement of the planets and their position in their orbits.

If you chant these mantras regularly, then the planets will have a positive influence over all aspects of your life. Any health issues, financial crunch or disputes are the results of their movements which may not be favorable. With the help of these, You will have more peace of mind and achieve spiritual tranquility.

The Navagraha mantras for each planet are recited on specific days, and the planets match the human characteristics. They help to remove grievances from the planets and gain their blessings.

How To Chant These Mantras?

Navagraha mantras have holistic power that brings peace to the planets. The movements of the nine planets influence your daily life. There are times when people face bad luck, failure, illness, and many other unfortunate incidents.

The movement of these celestial bodies mostly influences these occurrences. Each planet has its particular mantra that controls it. They also have different requirements and procedures.

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before chanting these mantras.

  • Timing of the Navagraha mantra: It is imperative that the mantra for the respective planet are recited during the transit of the planets. You need to recite these mantras only when these planets have a negative influence on your life. Start chanting the mantras on the day that specific planet represents.
  • Mat and Clothes: These mantras are holy, so you need to chant them with a clean body and mind. Before you start recitation, take a bath and wear clothes that represent the color of the planet. You also need to use an aasan (mat) that has the color of the planet. Such as white for sun, blue for Saturn, etc. There is a particular code of discipline and cleanliness that you should not ignore.
  • Direction and time: You have to use specific instructions and time for the planet. Try to complete the recitation within 40 days. The place and time that you chant the prescribed mantra should be consistent and the same throughout the period.
  • Rosary and Sankalp: Each planet has its specified rosary bead that you should use. You can use Rudrakash Chaplet or Particular gemstones of the planet such as pear rosary for the moon, coral for mars or Ruby for Sun.
  • Pronunciation and Rhythm: These mantras will not show proper effect or not work at all if they are not pronounced correctly. One wrong pronunciation can make the entire meaning of the mantra disastrous. Even the rhythm should be the same, and you cannot make any mistake in the flow of a syllable. These mantras are like voice passwords so their flow and pronunciation should be exact.

Now that you know what things you will need to chant these mantras. Let us know more about the nine celestial bodies and the mantras that are associated with them.


Surya or the Sun is considered as the Light of Wisdom.


He is also the dispeller of ignorance. The sun is the source of life and energy in this Solar System. Its gravitational pull keeps all the planets in their orbits.

It is the Paramatma and the life force of every individual’s soul system. Surya is the symbol of confidence, wisdom, power, and sense of identity. He is the king of this kingdom of celestial bodies. He rides a chariot which is pulled by seven horses which represent the seven days of a week, seven colors of the Rainbow or the seven levels of consciousness.

The symbol of the sun is a circle with a dot in the center. The circle shows its manifested existence and the dot is the point of creation. It is the largest of the planetary bodies.

When Should You Do The Puja?
You need to do the puja when the Sun is auspicious but weaken your kundali. It should also be recited when you have a weak body, very low confidence or sour relationship with your father. It also helps students if they are studying for Government services. Even couples facing problems in childbirth should do the puja.

Surya Mantra:
‘Aum Hran Hreen Hron Seh Suryay Namah’.

How to chant Surya Mantra?
This Surya Beej Mantra should be chanted 7000 times in 40 days. Chanting should be done at the time of sunrise while water should be poured towards the sun in reverence. The mantra can be initiated from a Sunday.

Moon or Chandra

The Moon is known as Chandra or Soma and is considered as the Light of Devotion. It is believed that Chandra nurtures life with its soothing cool rays.

chandra graha

Since it reflects the light of the Sun, It also reminds the Earth about the lunar phases which are related to the mind and body. During the full moon or Purnima, the mind fully reflects the light of the soul. On Amavasya or new moon, the body blocks the light and does not allow it to reach the mind.

Chandra influences creativity with its lunar phases. Amavasya represents the moment of creation such as the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. And Purnima is getting the fruits of the seed such as giving birth. Scientifically, it is known that the Moon’s gravity controls the tides in seas and oceans; it also nurtures the healing properties of the plants and herbs.

When Should You Do The Puja?
If you are facing problems such as chronic depression, sudden anxieties, and nervousness, this Chandra Navagraha mantra will cure you of these illnesses. It is also recommended that you do the puja when you have a Grahan Dosh in your Kundali when the Moon is weak in your horoscope, or you are having bad relations with your mother.

Chandra Mantra:
‘Aum Shran Shrin Shron Seh Chandraye Namah’.

How to Chant Chandra Mantra?
You need to chant this mantra 11000 times in 40 days. It can be chanted 108 times daily in the evening right after sunset. You can use a picture of Lord Shiva while reciting this mantra. The favorable day is Monday.

Mangala or Mars

Mangala or Mars is known as the bearer of welfare. Its characteristics include determination and will power. It is the executive power after Sun among the celestial bodies.

Mangala graha

He is like the military general among the gods which often leads him to explorations and journeys alone and protects everyone from invasions. In a social sense, it represents space exploration, military action and in the human sense, it manifests blood circulation, immune system, etc.

When Should You Do The Puja?
Mars or Mangal may be auspicious but weak, or it may be inauspicious and strong in your birth chart. In both these scenarios, you will have to chant the Mangal Beej Mantra to calm it down. If you are Manglik and it is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th& 12th house of a birth chart should also chant this mantra. It will help a weak person to become courageous. Its negative impact may lead to blood-related disorders in the body.

Mangal Mantra:
‘Aum Kran Krin Kron Seh Bhaumaaye Namah’.

How to Chant Mangal Mantra?
You should recite this mantra 10000 times in 40 days. You can recite it daily in the morning by placing an Idol of Lord Hanuman in front of you. Its auspicious day is Tuesday.

Mercury or Budha

Mercury or Budha represents the Emblem of Intelligence. He represents intelligence, ambiguity and remains unaffected by materialism.


Buddh is the closest planet to the sun and also the fastest which justifies his role as a messenger. He is very flexible, can adjust to any situation and is a great storyteller and interrogator. This Graha is considered as the Prince in a kundali and influences our speaking capabilities, intelligence, and nervous system.

When Should You Do The Puja?
Whenever this planet is weak in your natal chart or kundali, you may have to face a lot of problems during its transit. To counterattack it, you will have to recite the Buddh Beej Mantra religiously. You can chant this mantra to look young, cure stammering or to have a flourishing business.

Budha Mantra:
‘Aum Bran Brin Bron Seh Budhaye Namah’.

How to Chant Budha Mantra?
This Buddh Beej Mantra needs to be recited 9000 times in 40 days. It is chanted in the early morning but can be chanted at any time of the day. You can also use an image or Idol of Ganesh while chanting this mantra. The favorable day is Wednesday.

Jupiter or Brihaspati

Jupiter or Brihaspati is the “Guru of Gods.” Due to its massive size, it is also referred to as the “Spirit of the vast.”

Brihaspati graha

He advocates religion, philosophy, moral standards and unity among the mortals and immortals. He acts as the advisor for the Gods and gives blessings of wealth. It influences inspiration, optimism, and positivity. Jupiter is also the most beneficial and gentle planet.

It signifies luck, wealth and wisdom. It is also believed that if this graha is weak in a kundali, then that person can never attain all-round knowledge. If this planet is afflicted due to its transit with Rahu and Ketu, it may create problems in your life. If Jupiter is placed weakly in your birth chart, then you may struggle for material prosperity.

When Should You Do The Puja?
Even though it is auspicious, it may be weak in your horoscope. You may have to face some trouble in your studies or career or reputation may get hampered. In such times you need to do the puja of Bhraspati Beej Mantra.

Brihaspati Mantra:
‘Aum Gran Grin Gron Seh Guruve Namah’.

How to Chant Brihaspati Mantra?
This mantra should be chanted every day in the morning 108 times daily. You will have to chant this holy mantra 19000 times in 40 days. The favorable day is Thursday.

Venus or Shukra

Venus or Shukra is the emblem of love and attachment. Even though its also called ‘Guru of the Asuras.’ He is the karaka of all worldly pleasures.


It is associated with purity, beautiful art, music, pleasant and sensual pleasures. It has a powerful influence on the world with its impact on relationships, love, and creativity. It teaches the art of becoming more conscious of our senses.

This planet teaches that ‘the pure and the impure reside within all.’ It also influences love marriages and inter-caste marriages provided the kundalis are a match.

When Should You Do The Puja?
If this planet is auspicious but weak in your horoscope, you will have to chant the mantra to stabilize its effect on you. Those who face obstacles in getting married can also do the puja.

Shukra Mantra:
‘Aum Dran Drin Dron She Shukraye Namah’.

How to Chant Shukra Mantra?
Recite this mantra 16000 times in 40 days. It can be chanted 108 times daily in the morning in front of a Lord Lakshmi image or idol. The auspicious day for Shukra is Friday.

Saturn or Shani

Saturn or Shani is also known as the Lord of discipline and control. It portrays the path of truth and honesty. Shani is also the most feared planet in Astrology.


Saturn is the slowest moving planet, but it keeps track of every activity in the Solar System. He does not believe in shortcuts to get out of problems. His blessings provide us with persistence and patience to rejuvenate the mind and soul.

Shani helps to achieve spiritual growth in the inner mind with different transitions. It prepares the body and mind for spiritual growth. People try to please it if they face obstacles in career, business or relationships.

When Should You Do The Puja?
It is considered to be a cruel planet, so if it turns inauspicious and strong in your birth chart, you have to chant the Shaani beej Mantra to minimize its ill-effects. If you seem to suffer from Shani Mahadasha, Saadesaati and Dhaiyya, then doing the puja is a must.

Shani Mantra:
‘Aum Pram Prim Pron She Shanicharaye Namah’.

How to Chant Shani Mantra?
Chanting of this mantra should be done in the evening, ten malas daily. A lamp of sesame or til oil should be lighted near a peepal tree or Shani tree. This mantra should be recited 23000 times in 40 days. For Shani, it can be initiated on Saturdays.


Raahu is the commander of the direction and is referred to the North Node of the Moon. This celestial body causes eclipses and is a shadow entity. It is a manifestation of material pleasures and worldly desires.

rahu graha

Raahu helps in strengthening one’s power and can even turn an enemy into a friend. It is associated with the spiritual process of evolution or the engrossing of spirit in materialization. It is an indicator of worldly desire, greed, fame, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive, etc.

He represents the minds insatiable desire to control things. But Raahu grants great power in the right direction.

When Should You Do The Puja?
This mantra is chanted when you have Grahan yoga in your kundali. It doesn’t matter whether this planet is auspicious or not in your kundali, any way you will have to do the puja to overcome its effects.

Rahu Mantra:
‘Aum Bhran Bhrin Bhron Seh Rahve Namah’.

How to Chant Rahu Mantra?
You should chant it during the night, ten malas daily. It is better to chant it during the Rahu Kalam of the day. This mantra should be recited for 18000 times in 40 days. The most favorable day is Saturday.


Ketu is the ‘South Node of The Moon’ and is the presenter of obstacles. It is the celestial body of outwardly desiring.


This Graha blesses with spiritual tendencies, ascetism, knowledge of the self when it is favorable. But it also has a fiery temperament. Ketu and Raahu both help to attain spiritual benefit but Ketu works inwardly, and Raahu works outwardly.

They work together for the cosmic evolution of the universe. It is a malefic body and causes various misfortunes in your lives. The traits that are associated with Ketu are focused on intelligence, derangement, fantasy.
This celestial body is malefic and spiritual benefice as brings people closer to God by drowning them in sorrow and loss. Chanting of the mantra will help to get rid of suicidal tendencies if any and psychological problems.

When Should You Do The Puja?
Just like Raahu, Ketu can also affect our lives with detrimental effects. If you have graham dosh or Kaal Sarp Dosh, then you need to do the puja. The Ketu Beej Mantra will help to neutralize the ill effects and stabilize its negativity.

Ketu Mantra:
‘Aum Sram Srin Sron Seh Ketve Namah’.

How to Chant Ketu Mantra?
It should be chanted during the night, and at least the minimum number of malas should be covered. Recite this mantra 17000 times in 40 days. It can be initiated on a Friday.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that devotees may have towards these mantras.

Q: People also use gemstones to correct their doshas from grahas. So, why use Navagraha Mantras? And which is better?
A: Yes, gemstones are also used to correct doshas from our grahas. They are easy to use and convenient. Whereas, these mantras have a particular code of discipline and conduct which needs to be followed precisely.

Their timing, pronunciation, rhythm, consistency, and dedication matters a lot. Navagraha Mantras have a very positive effect on our lives, and they give good results. Whereas, the use of gemstones has certain limitations towards their effect on us.

So, if you have the time and sincerity to do the mantra Jaap, then it is always better.

Q: Why is the Earth not apart of the navagrahas?
A: The Navagraha are the forces that influence the Earth. She is a deity in herself with her own identity and distinguished from the others.

Q: Is listening to the Navagraha Mantra on CD (as meditation) appropriate and can it be a long term process? Does it have any implications?
A: It is excellent practice to meditate by listening to the Navagraha Mantras on CD as you can also chant along. You can recite the mantras internally as you hear play.

Q: What are the effects of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology?

A: Rahu and Ketu are karmic planets, and it is challenging to escape the cosmic effect given out by them. The negative aspects of Rahu and Ketu affect us more mentally rather than physically.

Rahu manifests itself as greed, jealousy, anger, sarcasm, OCD, and hatred. And Ketu exhibits laziness, a lack of interest, poor reasoning, irresponsibility and a sense of abandonment.

But they may also cause positive effects in our lives if they are positioned correctly. These periods of troubles provided by Raahu and Ketu also lead us towards better self-realization. IF we understand ourselves a tiny bit better, these planets will reward us with positive influences.

Q: Are Rahu and Ketu real planets?
A: They are not physical planets but imaginary points in the sky. They are called the North and South Nodes of the moon. They are the biggest enemy of the Sun and Moon.
That is why they cause eclipses from time to time.

They are malefic, retrograde and always stay 180 degrees away from each other. They are karmic indicators of the Soul in the birth chart.

Q: Do we need to worship Shani (Saturn) directly through a puja?
A: Yes, we can do that. Shani not only restricts but it also helps to maintain discipline. People those who lack discipline can pray to Shani for the removal of obstacles.

Q: Why put so much emphasis on the proper pronunciation and flow of the mantras?
A: These mantras are like voice passwords. They will not work effectively if we say a wrong syllable or if the rhythm is not correct.
So, you need to be very careful. You can get in touch with an experienced astrologer and take their help in understanding the proper tone and diction.

Q: From where did we get these mantras?
A: The Navagraha Mantras came from the Purohit Darpan which is a traditional Brahmanical Sanskrit text.

Q: Can chanting of Navagraha Mantras give us sure shot to success?
A: These mantras help to ward off the negative impacts of the nine celestial bodies.

They can never be a replacement for hard work and perseverance. Navagraha Mantra benefits us in personal development but solely depending on them without putting your effort will be just like wasting your time and energy.

If you aim for success, then find out the doshas with your planets, chant the prescribed Mantras and put in your effort and hard work to achieve it.

9 Miraculous Navagraha Mantra Benefits

‘Navagrahas’ or ‘nine planets’ affect our lives drastically. Their positions on your birth chart determine whether they have a positive influence on you or a negative impact.

These mantras have been designed in such a way that they help to divert the negative energy from us.

Let us look into some Navagraha Mantra benefits.

  • Graha Dosh or Malefic planets: When you make your birth chart or kundali with the help of an astrologer, it will state the position of the nine grahas in your Birth chart. If there are any malefic planets or doshas found, then you can rectify those by chanting the prescribed mantras. These doshas are caused by the placement and transit of the planet.

    These mantras help to remove the harmful effects of the planets in your life and thereby reducing many kinds of problems. It makes your life favorable.

  • Removes bad luck: These mantras help to remove ill luck, misfortunes in your life by guiding the planets and their movements. It blocks any unfortunate events that you may face in your professional or personal life.
  • Prosperity and fortune: Sometimes, the planets are in such a position that they restrict our success. In such cases, recitation of Navagraha mantras for the malefic planet will help to remove its negative impact. This will lead to success, prosperity and wealth in your life provided you are putting in your share of effort.
  • Better family life: These mantras are incredibly beneficial if you are craving a happy married life with your spouse. It will also help in situations where you are affected by the delay of a child’s birth.
  • Better health: The Navgrah Mantra help to take away the negative flow of energy given out by some planets in your life and keep you free of illness and diseases. Chanting of these mantras will give you and your family exceptional health and immunity.
  • Professional advancements: Regular recitation of these mantras will remove obstacles that you usually face in your career or professional life. They will encourage improvements and success in your educational career or professional life. For those looking for a job, prospects may see new job openings. It may also lead to the running of stuck up projects or ventures and better flow of new ideas.
  • Development of personal traits: They influence your characteristics. With the help of these mantras, you can attain positive attributes. These include confidence, leadership, knowledge, consciousness, purity, perseverance, etc. These qualities make you have better personality traits which help to deal with the outside world.
  • Absorbing negative energy: Negative energy cannot be seen, but it can do a lot of damage. It can affect your personal life, career, and finances.

    Chanting of these mantras will absorb all kinds of negative energy around you which will encourage the flow of positivity. This will give you happiness and contentment.

  • Helps to attain Salvation or Moksa: When you chant these mantras with dedication, you also open up the path to self-realization. It leads your body and mind to connect to the cosmic world. This makes you more spiritually aware and conscious of your presence.

    You will realize that there are beings much more powerful than us mortals and they influence us in a big way. These grahas are Gods of the cosmic Worlds. They are the sources of evolution, and human lives revolve around them.

    They help you to achieve blessings from all these planets which leads to a prosperous life.

Final Thoughts

This universe has influenced and impacted us in a way much more significant way than we ever realized. The nine planets are also a part of this. These cosmic gods have a vast history behind them.

Earth and its residents are also affected by them positively and negatively both.

Navagraha Mantras are a vital part of Vedic astrology. They are like leashes that can help you to keep the grahas in check. They have numerous benefits that make our life smooth and favorable.

They can never control the movements of a planet; instead, its negative effect and amplify its positive impact. These mantras are just a medium to channel that energy and use it for your benefit. These are never to be used as a shortcut for success.

You can reap the Navagraha Mantra benefits only if you chant these with a clear mind. With the help of an astrologer, prepare your kundali or birth chart and find out what are the malefic planets in your chart. You should also know how many times the mantras need to be chanted, pronunciation, timing, etc.

But you need to give special emphasis on the pronunciation of the Mantras.

For example, the correct way to pronounce Soorya in Soorya Mantra is ‘Sooryaay’ and not ‘Sooryaya.’ These stands the same for other mantras such as Chandraay, Shukrayaay, etc. These may look very mild, but the implications may be severe.

If you can I suggest that you visit a temple and ask for some help if you need it.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

The Complete Guide to Budh Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]

The significance of Budh Mantra finds root in the grandeur of the planet Mercury, which is symbolic of intelligence. Thus, Budh or Mercury is invariably representative of intelligence.

3 Free Printable Puja Guides to help you chant Budh Mantras

I’m so proud of these puja guides, so I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a puja guide.

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

These Budh mantra puja guides are completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock them.

What is Budh Mantra?

Budh Mantra is a powerful mantra associated with Budha Graha, the planet Mercury. It is one the most influential means to receive the bountiful blessings of Budha Graha.

Our Hindu astrology consists of nine planets which are collectively known as Navgraha. Out of the nine planets, Budh is one of them and represents the planet Mercury. The term synonymously identifies itself with names like Budh, Budha, and Budh Beej Mantra.

The planet Mercury represents various modes of our human faculties like intelligence, speech (including communication skills), logical aptitude, empathy, humor, and senses. Planet Mercury also represents various streams of knowledge, trade, and skills like science, analysis, commerce, research, education, writing, mathematics, cinema, sports, and other arts.

All the above faculties and the streams of knowledge, trade, and skills interplays with one another depending on the position of the planet Mercury in the Horoscope. Mercury also possesses the zodiac signs of Virgo and Gemini.

The zodiac sign Virgo is symbolic of the exaltation of planet Mercury, and the zodiac sign Pisces represents the weakness of planet Mercury.

Therefore, we believe that the proper and improper alignment of Mercury affects our wealth, health, peace of mind, and fortunes in our lives.

So, if the alignment of Mercury is bad, it can give rise to health problems like memory loss, gastritis, skin problems, insomnia, mental problems, speech impediment, nervous breakdown, asthma, deafness, and other issues.

For this purpose, we do the puja to cast away all sorts of evil from our lives and to endow us with good health, prosperity, and happiness.

Besides, the movement of Budha not only affects human beings but also the conditions of the weather and the prevailing circumstances in the nations, which we believe falls under the scope and ambit of the spiritual science which we refer to as Vedic Astrology.

Thus, to eliminate any adverse outcome of irregular alignment of the planets in our horoscope, we recite this mantra.

We can also use it for the following purposes:

  • To achieve success, fame, and renewal of vigor in commercial pursuits.
  • For intensive meditation.
  • To gain more energy and focus to concentrate better.
  • To remove obstacles and hurdles in our lives.
  • To help in connecting with our divine source of power.

Who exactly is Lord Budha?

In Indian Puranic mythology of the Hindus, Lord Budha is a deity. In Vedic astrology, he is Mercury who is benign as well as malefic depending on whom it associates with.

Budh is the most intelligent God. He belongs to the Vaishya caste. Wednesday belongs to him, and the gemstone of Budh is Emerald.

Importance of Lord Budha for Hinduism
The importance lies in the astronomical benefits that he endows us with. Wealth, wisdom, and abstinence from evil thoughts flow from him on us, his devotees.

His appearance
The appearance of Budha as having the form of a celestial body finds mention in the text of the Vedas known as Pancavimsa Brahmana.

You can buy this rare book here.

Besides, we can also find the planetary description of him in astronomical texts like Lalla’s Sisyadhivrddida, Brahmagupta’s Khandakhadyaka, Varahamihira’s Panca Siddhantika, Latadeva’s Romaka, and Aryabhatta’s Aryabhatiya.

The other appearance of him is the depiction of a deity in various forms. He appears riding a lion with four arms in some illustrations. He also appears riding a lion with wings holding a shield, club, and a curved sword.

Budha_graha-mantra article-small

He also appears as a deity wearing yellow clothes riding a chariot of fire and air. Wind horses numbering eight pulls the chariot.

His story
In the mythological stories of the Vedas, the Moon gave birth to Budha or Mercury. The myth narrates how the Moon, filled with lusts, proceeds to abduct Tara, who was the wife of Jupiter or Brihaspati.

The abduction of Tara led to conceiving Mercury or Budha thus giving birth to Budha, the intellect.

Other names
There are other known names like Tunga, Rauhineya, and Saumya.

Above everything else, he is a symbol of intelligence. From intelligence flows the other qualities many of which are an outcome of the application of mind involving logic and mental ability.

How to chant Budh Mantra?

We should chant the Budh Mantra “Om Bram brim Broom Sah Budhaey namah” in the early morning hours for 108, 216, 324 or 1008 times for 45 days with Goddess Durga’s idol/image.

The simple meaning of “Om Bram brim Broom Sah Budhaey namah” is “Om, I bow down before Mercury.” However, the real meaning behind worshipping Mercury lies in the following translation:

“Whose body is so revered that it is like darkness, whose image takes the embodiment of intelligence, whose nature and character is magnificent, to Mercury, the hallmark of intelligence, we bow down before you in deep devotion. Om, we bow down before Mercury, the emblem of intellect.”

In order that the puja achieves its desired results, we must follow some fundamental rules and etiquettes –

  • Before we begin to chant, it is important for us to wash our feet and hands or take a bath to purify ourselves physically.
  • Since our position is important while chanting, we should make sure we sit in the direction facing the East. Our backs should be straight, and the pronunciation of the mantra should be accurate.
  • We should also be serious about how devoted we are while chanting. If our heart and mind are not in the right place, the blessings will not reach us.
  • Therefore, we should entirely devote ourselves to Lord Budha, free from all distractions and impure thoughts, to feel the positive energy and the protection of the Universe.
  • Along with steadfast devotion, we should recite it for at least forty-five days if we want to receive his blessings.
  • Wearing white garments with a few pieces of the yellow and greenish color will show our absolute devotion.
  • Though we can do the puja during noon as well as sunset, the best time to chant the Mantra is in the morning.
  • Even though we should chant it daily, if we fail to chant the mantra every day, we can chant it every Wednesday as that day belongs to him.
  • It’s important that we chant this mantra on the beads of a rosary daily for 108, 216, 324 or 1008 times.

There are also different types of Budh Mantras which we should chant. They are –

Budh Gayatri Mantra

“Om Gajadhwajaaya Vidmahae
Sukha Hastaaya Dheemahi
Tanno Budha Prachodayaat.”

Gayatri Mantra comprises of three parts. The first mantra is the chanting of the Mercury, the second part is the proper mantra, and the third part is like a summary of the energy that comes with the mantra.

We can chant the Gayatri mantra when the sun rises, during the noontime, and after the sun sets.

Budh Gayatri Mantra translation in English:
“Om I meditate on the one with the elephant on the flag, Oh the one who has authority to grant happiness, give me intelligence, and allow Budha Dev to enlighten the mind.”

Budh Navgrah Mantra

“Priyam gukalikaashyaamam Rupenaam prathimam Budham
Saumyam Saumya gunorpetham tham Budham pranamaamyaham.”

Budh Navgrah Mantra translation in English:
“I bow down in obeisance before Budha whose darkness and blackness resemble a blackened tulip, you are incomparable in your appearance with extraordinary intellect and wisdom, the son of Soma who has pleasant and propitious qualities.”

We believe that if we pray Navgrah Budh Gayatri for eleven times on every morning and sunset of a Wednesday, we will please Budh Graha.

Therefore, doing the Navgrah Budh Gayatri puja will allow us to get blessings such as reduction of health problems especially the ones related to sugar and blood pressure, improvement in communication skills, fewer skin diseases, and sharper intelligence.

Although we should devote ourselves to chanting it every day, if we cannot do that and we still seek the benevolence of him, we can practice other modes of rituals as well like –

  • We can do fasting on Wednesdays. We believe that fasting on Wednesdays can bring prosperity and peace to our lives and lead to a reduction of all negativity arising from improper alignment of the planets.
  • We can also do charities on Wednesdays. Charities can take the form of donating green vegetables, gold, and green color bangles all of which pleases him.
  • Even wearing clothes with the green color can please Mercury as the color is auspicious before Budha.
  • Our daily interactions and dealings with females should be respectful.
  • We can also give presents and other gifts for our siblings to please him.

9 Fantastic Budh Mantra Benefits

Since Budh is the epitome of intelligence and represents various fields like commerce, law, banking, accounts, and trade, chanting Budh Mantra will ensure beneficial gains in these fields.

Unceasingly devoting ourselves to Budha will grant the following Budh Mantra benefits:

  • Intellect: Proper alignment of the planet Mercury in the cosmic system will give intelligence on us, the chanter.

    Our minds will be sharper, and our memory will also improve which allows us to become more creative.

  • Communication skills: Lord Budha controls communication and language and is an expert in interrogation and storytelling. So, chanting it gives us the power of oratory skills which we can use in our line of works to gain success.
  • Healthy relationships: By chanting it, our relationships with our family members and friends will also strengthen as Lord Budha’s positive energy will fill us and allow us to be more patient and understanding.
  • Good health: This is one of the immense benefits that Lod Budh grants us for our devotion and worship. All of us are prone to sickness as we are all human beings. What makes this worse is the wrong alignment of planet Mercury.

    As we already know now, the wrong alignment can bring, amongst others, many health-related problems which none of us wants to face. Thankfully, by chanting it with utmost devotion, we can get rid of any ill health effects.

    One important thing to note will be that if we are suffering from weak health, then that may be a sign that our Mercury is fragile and we need to be more devout towards Mercury.

  • Spiritual growth: Chanting it also allows us to grow spiritually as a person and individual. This spiritual growth motivates us to become a better person and be an influence to anyone around us.

    All sorts of negativity surround our lives. But the spirituality of Budh Mantra enables us to overcome them, and we are compassionate towards others, even to person we do not know.

  • Presence of mind and wit: Besides intelligence, it benefit also includes wittiness and significant presence of mind to deal with any situation and circumstances positively and optimistically.
  • Learning ability: This benefit bears a close association with intelligence. With higher intellect, we are also able to learn and understand things quickly. So whatever field we may be in, learning new things will not be a problem with Budh’s blessings.
  • Success: Once we are receiving the blessings of hi, everything will translate to success. Be it a job or career or academic pursuits we will face success in all field of science, education, law, commerce, trade, writing, show business, and many others.
  • Wealth: One of the most important benefits is the wealth that comes with ardent devotion to him.

    As many of our hurdles and obstacles get out of our way, success in terms of wealth will start to pour into our lives.

Final Thoughts

Of all the Gods, Budh is the most intelligent. By chanting Budh Mantra regularly with dedication and commitment, we invoke the blessing of intelligence and good health that emanates into our lives and onto others. But, chanting it with a corrupt mind and heart will work against us. Therefore, a pure mind and heart, free from evil inhibitions, will take us closer to the majesty of Lord Budha.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]
A Complete Guide to Ram Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]
The A-Z Guide to Parvati Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

A Complete Guide to Ram Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]

With the Ram mantra, you will achieve material gains while being guided on the path towards being a truly perfect spiritual being. But which mantra should you use…? There are many ways to invoke the name of Rama in your meditation. Many powerful combinations of words are used to evoke Rama and his powers for your benefit. So let’s take a look at them.

11 Free Printable Puja Guides to help you chant Ram Mantras

I’m so proud of these puja guides, so I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a puja guide.

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

These Ram mantra puja guides are completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock them.

What Is the Ram Mantra?

The Ram Mantra is a mantra dedicated to Lord Rama, one of the many forms of Vishnu. Lord Rama came to Earth to vanquish demons, and his mantra bestows self-esteem, will-power, mental fortitude and the ability to overcome vices to its practitioners.

When Sri Rama came to Earth he established the path of dharma, the path of correct action (more on that below). Chanting the mantra bestows amazing benefits of the body and mind – it promotes proper circulation through the body and clear focus of the mind.

The name of Rama acts as a divine guide on the path towards spiritual enlightenment. Yet Rama is benevolent and merciful, and understands the needs of humans; thus it also takes care of the material needs of the aspirant as well.

To draw this powerful spiritual energy from the mantra, it is important to try to understand it as fully as possible. To whom the mantra is dedicated; the many variations of the mantra; the proper way to chant it for greatest effect; and the many benefits you can hope to achieve through its use.

Let us delve into the Ram Mantra and its wonders, starting from the beginning.

Who Exactly Is Lord Rama

Rama, also known as Ramacandra, is the 7th incarnation of Vishnu, and one of the most powerful next to Krishna. He is considered the ideal man, both physically and mentally, and his marriage to Sita is considered the ideal of marital devotion and love.

lord rama small Ram Mantra article
Lord Rama by Pinterest

Lord Rama is best known for his adventure to slay the demon king Ravana, a multi-headed foe of considerable power. Ravana was the king of Lanka, today known as Sri Lanka, and was so fierce a demon that the gods bid Vishnu to intervene. Vishnu complied, appearing in a divine fire to King Dararatha, prince of the solar race. The king was presented with a pot of nectar, some of which he gave to Kausalya so she could birth the half-divine Rama.

Rama met Sita, the avatar of Lakshmi, in his early travels. The demon king Ravana eventually captured Sita, setting Rama off on an epic quest to save her and destroy Ravana. The story is told in the oldest Sanskrit epic, the Ramayana. His story demonstrates the value and virtue of the following dharma, fulfilling one’s pious path in life.

Lord Rama is an influential and important figure in Hinduism. His representation of the spiritual, physical and mental ideal makes him a popular subject of devotion. Diwali, the festival of lights and one of the most well known Hindu celebrations, is a celebration of his coronation as king over his kingdom after finally destroying the evil Ravana.

How to Chant the Ram Mantra

There are over ten Ram mantras, each with their own way of saying them; their own meanings, their own strengths. It is important to consider each of them, and which is most appropriate for your life.

There is a recommended ceremony and schedule you should adhere to. This is regardless of the specific mantra you choose, so learn the following advice regardless:

  • Bathe or wash your hands and feet before you begin to chant. You can also bathe your entire body if you wish.
  • Always sit facing either the North or the East when chanting.
  • Devote your mind and spirit totally to Lord Rama and feel the connection with the universe.
  • Wearing white garments with a few pieces of the black or blue color (Rama blue) show our absolute devotion to the Rama.
  • Recite the mantras for 48 days with devotion. It is suggested to chant daily. If this is not possible, you can chant solely on Monday.
  • You don’t need any offerings, but if you want to offer something to him, offer payasam, panchamirtham, panagam (jaggery, musk melon, and ginger), methi pulao.
  • The mantras should be chanted 9, 27, 54, 108, or 1,008 times, three times a day. Count the repetitions on the beads of a rosary when doing so.

A list of Ram Mantras

“Raamaaya Raamabhadraaya Raamachandraaya Vedasey,
Raghunaathaaya Naathaaya Seethaayaah Pathaye Namaha”

This mantra evokes several of the names of Lord Sriram. It praises him as the most auspicious descendent of the Raghu clan. It proclaims him the most venerated person who can end suffering and promote happiness, and the husband of Mother Sita.

“Om Kleem Namo Bhagavathey Raamachandraaya sakalajana vashyakaraaya Swaaha”

This chant is intended to attract success and happiness. It includes the “klim” seed mantra or “bija” mantra. Seed mantras are powerful, single sound mantras whose vibrations are attuned to certain universal energies. The klim mantra is attuned to the law of attraction.
This Ram mantra uses the klim mantra in conjunction with praising Rama as a charismatic god who is able to promote peace and harmony. This combination of klim and Rama is a powerful mantra for attracting prosperity and happiness.

“Shri Rama Jaya Rama Kodhanda Rama”

This mantra combines both Rama and his bow, Kodhanda. Kodhanda was the bow Rama used to destroy the evil forces of Ravana. Evoking the two together symbolizes strength, invincibility, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Chanting this mantra promotes harmony and success while assuaging the practitioner of all fears.

“Sri Rama Jayam”

“Victory to Lord Rama” is the literal translation of this simple but powerful Rama mantra. It instils confidence, peace, and harmony in the chanter. It is suitable for most people, providing benefits for all aspects of life – our relationships, our jobs, our big and small challenges. Its simplicity has made it an incredibly popular chant, and it is particularly preferred for large gatherings.

“Om Dashrathaye Vidmahe Sita Vallabhaye Dhi-Mahi Tan No Ramah Prachodayat”

This is the Ram gayatri mantra. Like other gayatri mantras, it is used to call upon a deity – in this case, Rama – for protection. This particular mantra addresses Rama as the son of Dashrat, and the husband of Mother Sita.
Not only does it provide protection, but it is used to request clarity of thought and clear judgment from Lord Rama. It helps practitioners see the path of dharma in their everyday lives and make clear decisions.

“Heen Ram Heen Ram”

This is another simple mantra which can be used by those who are inexperienced in meditation or do not have a sufficient guide in their spiritual journey. It is a mantra that helps awaken spiritual awareness in the practitioner.
This mantra, like many other Ram mantras, helps align the chanter with the path of dharma or virtuous action. This was one of Rama’s greatest contributions to mankind, and his tale is an epic exploration of the power and rewards of dharma.

“Clin Ram Clin Ram”

This Ram mantra is used to provide protection from negative energies. This may be more esoteric things like black magic, psychic attacks, and invisible entities, or the more mundane – the negative thoughts and feelings of other people, the depressive moods, attitudes and actions which might bring our own energy down.

Through the devoted reciting of this Ram mantra, you will create a barrier between you and negative forces that allows your own peace, harmony, and happiness to prosper.

“Fhat Ram Fhat”

This seeking an inner peace which brings about a positive change in their own behavior will benefit from this mantra. This simple Ram mantra brings harmony to the spirit, helping the chanter to be more sincere and honest as a person. It also brings clarity of thought, word, and action, setting the chanter on the path of dharma.

“Ramay Namah”

Another simple mantra intended to bring focus and clarity to the user. Here it is specifically purity of mind and word. This purity covers things like focus and articulation, but also purity in a moral sense – removing impure thoughts from the mind. It frees the chanter of negative, distracting or destructive thoughts, and helps them achieve a sense of inner peace and spirituality.

“Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Vidyarupena Samsthita,
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah.”

“SaIutations to the God Rama who bestows upon me the fearlessness of life in the form of knowledge and intelligence”. This chant grants the user inner peace and strength in times of great distress. It is an ideal mantra for those going through tough times at work, or in their relationships.

It will help to guide you on the right path to conflict resolution and standing up for yourself.

“Shri Ram Sharnam Mamah”

This mantra brings balance and strength to the body and mind. It promotes both physical and mental healing and can create a surge of bliss through the body.

Miraculous Ram Mantra Benefits

As you read in the previous section, there are many Ram mantras. Each has its own attributes, uses, and benefits. Yet, you may have also noticed there were certain trends and themes amongst them, chiefly the promotion of peace and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit of the practitioner.

So what are the overall benefits of using these Ram mantras? Here are some miraculous Ram mantra benefits for you to consider.

  • Promote self-esteem. One of the benefits of the enhancing of positive energies brought about by Ram mantras is an increased sense of self-worth. Those who are full of self-doubt or self-loathing will appreciate a remarkable boost in their self-esteem through the use of the Ram mantras.
  • Improved willpower. We face many temptations in our lives, big and small. Whether it’s the big temptations to cheat, to steal, or to be unkind or the small temptations to eat something we’re not supposed to, go back on a promise, or indulge, our willpower is sorely tested daily. Ram mantras help steel your willpower and better enable you to act righteously and virtuously.
  • Enhance other mantras. The Ram mantra often contains two words; Sri and Ram.

    Sri is ying and Ram is yang – the male and female energies of the universe. Their combination employed with any mantra make its effects more profound.

  • Overcome fear and doubt. A consistent benefit of many of the Ram mantras listed above is helping the chanter to overcome fears and doubts in their lives. We are constantly plagued with doubts in everyday life. Doubts about job security, about our own capabilities and worth, about the choices we make. We fear making big decisions because we get too scared of the many possibilities, and doubt our instincts. The Ram mantra empowers us to overcome our fears and shed doubt from our minds. We become more assertive, more confident, and achieve more.
  • Better work performance. Clarity of thought and word are also common benefits of Ram mantras. This clarity and purity help us to better focus on tasks and challenges we’re presented with, particularly in our places of work.

    Instead of becoming flustered by problems, we analyze them clearly and approach solutions with steady rationality. We perform better under stress, and so attract the positive attention of employees, customers, or clients we engage with.

  • Better academic performance. Busy students working late nights often find it hard to focus. The stress associated with assignments can make it difficult to concentrate and recall vital information.

    The clarity of thought and mind, combined with the increased confidence and self-esteem – not to mention the lessening doubts and fears – helps students to achieve higher academic results in their studies.

  • Better physical health. The Ram mantras bestow upon the chanter improved physical wellbeing. The body is less likely to suffer from disease or injury, and if it does, it heals faster than it otherwise would. The Ram mantra promotes better circulation through the body of various systems and functions, promoting health.
  • Better mental health. Purity and clarity of thought, promotion of harmony and inner peace – all of these benefits lead to an improvement of the mental wellbeing of the practitioner. Chanting Ram mantras frees us of negative mental states like depression, anxiety, and mood disorders.

    It saves us from intrusive, unwelcome, or destructive thoughts – both those aimed at the destruction of others, and those aimed at the destruction of self.

  • Improved behavior. Do you worry you suffer from anger issues? Do you find yourself short-tempered? Easily agitated? Ram mantras help us to overcome these antisocial behaviors. The soothing peace and inner harmony brought about by Ram mantras help us to be better people. We are kinder, more compassionate, more patient, and more loving in our everyday lives.
  • Attract prosperity. Combining Ram mantras with the klim seed mantra can attract great wealth and prosperity to the practitioner. Rama is not just about the spiritual enlightenment of his followers; he also meets their material needs as well. Klim itself is a powerful agent of the law of attraction, but when combined with the mighty divine power of Rama, it becomes supercharged for unequalled results.
  • Overcome debt. Attracting wealth and prosperity can specifically help those who feel burdened by financial debts.

    The Rama mantra will attract the wealth needed to free the practitioner of their debts, in turn freeing them from stress.

  • Protection from negative forces and energies. Lord Rama is a powerful god sent to destroy a demonic king; he is one of the ultimate protectors, and chanters of Ram mantras evoke this protection for themselves. We are all so surrounded by negativity these days; on the news, in the workplace, at home. Negativity from other people, negativity from ourselves. So much advertising relies on people feeling poorly about themselves so that something can be sold to them. Ram mantras free us from all of these; while it does not make these things disappear, it protects us from their deleterious effects. We become unmoved by the negative influences of others, living our own harmonious, peaceful lives as we so choose.
  • Increased harmony. Ram mantras bring us together. When we have inner peace and harmony, it is so much easier to be peaceful and harmonious with those around us. We form better connections with our loved ones, our families, our coworkers, and strangers.

    Through Ram mantras we can form not just better, but deeper connections with others; connections that are more empathetic, compassionate and nurturing.

Final Thoughts

Lord Rama is a powerful, beloved god, the 7th avatar of Vishnu sent to destroy a demon king and bring dharma to the world. Today, we chant to Rama with Ram mantras, evoking his strength and virtue. Through these mantras, we seek his protection from evil forces, clarity of mind, inner peace, prosperity, and perhaps above all, harmony – both within ourselves, and the world around us.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

The A-Z Guide to Parvati Mantra [+Free Printable Puja Guide]

Parvati mantras are those dedicated to the Goddess Parvati, known for her wifely devotion to Lord Shiva. As a goddess of family and love, she is the ideal entity to turn to for help with marriage, parenting, and fertility.

5 Free Printable Puja Guides to help you chant Parvati Mantras

I’m so proud of these puja guides, so I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a puja guide.

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

These Parvati mantra puja guides are completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock them.

What is Parvati Mantra?

Parvati, like most Hindu deities, has other names as aspects such as Durga, Shakti, and Kali. She is in fact an aspect of Maha Shakti, mother of the universe, further connecting her to the forces of creation on a cosmic and personal scale.

Like with any deity or mantra, there are many variations to the Parvati mantra, each with their own benefits. It is common to find Shakti mantras and Parvati mantras mentioned almost interchangeably, as they evoke different aspects of the same figure.

There are many reasons to use the Parvati mantra:

  • Reconcile difficulties in relationships.
  • Strengthen bonds in relationships.
  • Increase fertility.
  • Help with parenting.
  • Find inner strength.
  • Help with self-determination.

Let’s delve deeper, so we have a proper understanding of Parvati, the various mantras devoted to her, their meaning, and their miraculous benefits.

Who Exactly is Goddess Parvati and How Exactly Is She Connected With This Mantra?

As mentioned above, Parvati is one of the many forms of Shakti. Shakti is the feminine energy of the universe, that unknowable but enlivening force present at the birth of all existence.

Parvati Goddess Parvati Mantra article
Goddess Parvati

Shakti manifested as Parvati in order to draw Shiva, the warrior god, out of his meditation. After the loss of his wife, Shiva retreated from the world, preferring to meditate in a cave. In his absence, the world became overrun with demons emboldened by the lack of a divine protector.

The other gods implored Shakti, the pure feminine energy of the universe, to help. Shakti manifested Parvati to seduce Shiva. After several failed courtship attempts, Parvati realized that to truly win Shiva’s heart, she had to relate to him by his interests — strength, perseverance, a force of will.

By mastering her mind and body, she finally drew the attention of Shiva away from his meditation to her — and then the world.

The power of Parvati lies in both her marital devotion to Shiva and also her ability to match him in his austerities and mastery of mind and body. So closely did Parvati and Shiva become linked that it is often said that one cannot truly worship Shiva without worshipping Parvati as well.

Parvati is portrayed in various forms. As Parvati, she is seen with Shiva by her side and Ganesha in her lap. As Durga, she is dressed in red, riding a lion, her many arms full of weapons. Sometimes she is portrayed carrying the trishula trident, just as Shiva is.

How to Chant Parvati Mantra?

There is no one Parvati mantra. Like most deities, mantras devoted to Parvati can be combined with other mantras and other concepts — such as bija or seed mantras — to create many different, powerful mantras.

Regardless of the specific mantra you choose to chant, there is a suggested structure of the puja you should follow. These following steps apply to all Parvati mantras.

  1. Cleanse your hands and feet prior to beginning the chant.
  2. Sit facing North or East when doing the puja.
  3. Devote yourself completely to Goddess Parvati. Feel the positivity, love, and fertile energies of the Universe.
  4. Look at her picture or look up at the sun in the sky and when doing the puja.
  5. Wearing white garments with a few red pieces of clothing shows our absolute devotion to the goddess.
  6. Recite the Parvati mantras at least for 48 days with devotion in order to see the desired results.
  7. Chant daily, if possible — this will give you the best outcome.
  8. Chant the mantras 9, 27, 54, 108, or 1,008 times. Count them out on the beads of a rosary to ensure precision.

So, what are the actual Parvati mantras? Here are some of the most powerful Parvati mantras you can find.

Parvati Swayamvara Mantra

“Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala
Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasamakarsha Akarshaya.”

Meaning: “O thou who is always in Union with Lord Shiva, give me the power of attraction and fascination, O Noble One!”

This mantra is intended to remove all obstacles to marriage. As we know, there are many obstacles that can stand between lovers and marriage. Financial troubles, problems of argumentative families, or even whether someone is truly ready to commit. The Parvati swayamvara mantra will help overcome all of these challenges to facilitate a successful marriage.

Parvathi Swayamvara Dhyana Sloka

“Balarkayutha Suprabham Karathale Rolambamalakritham
Malaam Sandhadhatheem Manohara Thanum Mandasmithodyanmukheem
Mandam Mandamupeyushim Varayithum Shambhum Jaganmohinim
Vande Deva Munindra Vanditha Padam Ishtarthadham Parvathim.”

This dhyana sloka mantra is used to attract the desired husband as soon as possible. For best results, it should be recited every Friday with utmost devotion. This is perfect for women in committed relationships who wish for their husband to take the next step.

Parvati Sloka

“Sarva Mangala Maangalye, Shive Sarvaartha Saadhike
Sharanye Tryambake Gaurii, Naaraayanii Namostute.”

Meaning: “Goddess Parvati is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious. She is the consort of Lord Shiva, who grants every desire of one’s heart. I adore such Devi Parvati, who loves all her children. I bow to the great mother, who has given refuge to me.

Whereas the previous mantra is intended to attract a specific mate, this mantra is meant to evoke Parvati in all of her aspects. It enhances relationships by evoking Parvati’s devotion to Shiva — reconciling problems, enhancing and deepening connections. But it also calls upon Parvati as a source of fertility, staving off miscarriage and promoting healthy pregnancy in the practitioner.

Powerful Parvati Mantra

“Maata Cha Paarvati Devi, Pitaa Devo Maheshvara
Baandhavah Shiva Bhaktaacha, Svadesho Bhuvanatrayam.”

Meaning: “Goddess Parvati is the mother and the divine father is Shiva. The devotees are the children. The world is the creation of these divine beings and we live on the land of such celestial beings.”

This mantra again evokes Parvati in all of her aspects. However, where the other mantras were dedicated to her role as mother and wife, this mantra also evokes Parvati as a determined, auspicious being. Chanting this mantra helps the practitioner find inner strength and determination in themselves and their work.

Swayamvara Parvathi Moola Mantra

“Om Hreem Yogini Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankarai Sakala Sthavara
Jangamasya Mukha Hrudayam Mama Vasam Akarsha Akarshaya Namaha.”

This is similar to the first mantra mentioned first but slightly modified. It’s not just for removing obstacles to marriage, but also to avoid divorce and enhance fertility. It is all of the things that Parvati bestows upon her followers in a concise, singular mantra.

Miraculous Parvati Mantra Benefits

Parvati mantras are particularly powerful for removing obstacles to relationships and improving fertility.

Some of them are:

  1. Remove delays in marriage. Whether man or woman, Parvati mantras will help to expedite the marriage process. If you’re a woman waiting for your man to propose to you, the Parvati mantra is for you. If you’re a man hoping your woman will accept your marriage proposal, the Parvati mantra is for you. Parvati is known for her devotion to Shiva, and chanting her mantras will confer this devotion to your own relationships.
  2. Strengthen existing relationships. The Parvati mantra doesn’t just create relationships; it helps to build existing ones. Through devoted chanting of the Parvati mantras, you can overcome relationship obstacles in your life. Whether it’s a disagreement with the spouse or an issue which might shake the bedrock of your relationship, the Parvati mantra can help smooth things over.
  3. Avoid divorce. If your marriage is already on the rocks, it might seem like divorce is inevitable. But through devoted chanting of the Parvati mantra, you may yet hope to avoid divorce. Through the use of the Parvati mantra, you should be able to reconcile your differences and rekindle your lost romance through invoking the devotion and love of Parvati and Shiva.
  4. Increase fertility. If you’re struggling to conceive a child — or simply wish to avoid issues altogether — the Parvati mantras are perfect for you. Parvati is the goddess of fertility, derived from Shakti, mother of creation. Devoted chanting to Parvati will increase your chances of fertility and decrease the risk of miscarriage.
  5. Inner strength and determination. We cannot make the mistake of just associating Parvati with her devotion to Shiva. In order to capture his attention, she had to achieve the same austerity as him, as well as the same physical and mental mastery. Chanting Parvati mantras help you to draw this inner strength and determination into yourself; increasing your motivation, your drive, and your ability to achieve goals.

Final Thoughts

Parvati is one of the many aspects of Maha Shakti, the universal feminine force and the mother of creation. She embodies not only marital devotion but inner strength and self-determination. Chanting her mantra will improve your marital situation, prevent divorce, embolden your own desires and goals, and promote fertility.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

The A-Z Guide to Bhadrakali Mantra [+Free Printable Meditation Guide]

The Bhadrakali Mantra is an amazing life-saving Chant or Mantra that will help a person cast out great evils from one’s life. It is a powerful and mystical Chant given by the Goddess to help her Children and devotees who are accosted by the evil forces which also includes black magic.

A Free Printable Meditation Guide to help you chant Bhadrakali Mantra

I’m so proud of this meditation guide, so I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a meditation guide.

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

This Bhadrakali Mantra meditation guide is completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock it.

Who is the Goddess Bhadrakali?

Goddess worship is also a prominent and important part of Hinduism. The Goddess Shakti or Durga is seen as a Motherly Goddess. Her name literally means Power.

She is often described and depicted as a fierce, bloodthirsty being with several hands that hold weapons and the bodyless heads of asuras or demons. It is said in one of her lore that she emerged from the third eye of the god Shiva in order to destroy a Demon who was granted a boon by Shiva himself.

bhadrakali devi
By: Pinterest

The Goddess has many different avatars. She was reborn several times in order to provide for her People’s needs. In each form, a side of the great goddess is revealed.

Goddess Bhadrakali is one of her many forms. The prominent characteristic displayed in her Bhadrakali form was the ability, power and viciousness to destroy evil demons and their influences
Goddess Worship is most prominent in the southern Regions of India. There the Goddess is revered in all her forms.

When goddess maha Bhadrakali is worshipped, her power flows to the earth and to her people to use it vanquish evils or crush enemies. This is where the Chant comes in. The Bhadrakali mantra or chant-like any other chant in Hinduism is believed to create access to the powers of the great goddess through the sounds and vibrations produced during the chant.

The Goddess is seen as an auspicious sign for black magic, and so her chant, i.e. her mantra is used to start off any session involving the casting or removal of a curse.

What is Bhadrakali Mantra?

The Bhadrakali Mantra is a powerful chant that can help a person in a bad situation. It is a Chant that is a prayer to the Goddess Maha (Great) Bhadrakali.

The Bhadrakali Mantra can remove the effects of dark evil spells from your life cast by your enemies and also the effects of burinazar (the effects of a curse due to the jealousy of others). Sometimes life just does not go your way and you know it is not for lack of trying, then, you should try using the Bhadrakali mantra.

However, this chant also has its limits, and the only thing that limits the power of this chant is lack of knowledge. For example, how many times you need to recite it is dependent on your situation and the number of evil forces and influences in your life.

In order to avail the full benefits of this mantra, one must recite the chant several times over a period. This may be every day for a month or a year. It depends on your situation. When you form a habit of it may bring you closer to the greater powers of this universe.

People seek spiritual enlightenment and, in this day, and age of science this world is filled with skeptics. To find spiritual enlightenment, one must be willing to believe, and it is not very hard. At the very least you will be swayed by the powers of goddess Bhadrakali.

If you have come to seek direction, then this will definitely be of help to you. The Cosmic powers of the great ones are everywhere. Life itself is a great miracle. If you think about the intricacies of living organisms, you will see intelligent design.

I think we can agree that one or two kinds of living organism can be a coincidence but not millions.

How to Chant Bhadrakali Mantra?

The Chant itself is simple and short and goes like this “Om Shree Bhaadrakali Namah”. However, there are some necessary rules that you will need to follow in order to chant it correctly.

So here I give some simple and necessary point to remember and follow.

  • Always bath or wash your hands and feet before chanting.
  • Wearing white with some dark blue (close to purple) garments shows our absolute devotion to the goddess.
  • Make sure you always face east while chanting the Bharda Kali mantra.
  • You have to look at a picture of Goddess Bhadrakali or look up at the sun in the sky and when chanting.
  • In order to sense the positivity of the universe, you must devote yourself to Bhadrakali. You may do this by doing the simple task of reciting the Chant every day at least for 48 days for results.
  • Chant the mantras 9, 27, 54, 108, or 1,008 times on the beads of a rosary every day according to the magnitude of your desires.
  • Let thoughts pass you by, do not dwell on the past or future; concentrate on your mantra; and count the repetitions.

Bhadrakali Mantra meaning in English

I will break it down and explain the significance of each word and synergy of the chant together.

The Meaning of Om
The First Word is “Om” or “Aum”, and this word is considered sacred in Hinduism. The word is said to be sacred because, in Hindu mythology, this word was what started the creation of the world as we know it. The sounds or vibrations produced while chanting this word attunes you to the universe because it is said that the vibrations produced during the chant of this word is the same or at the very least related to the sounds that were produced originally when the universe was formed.

The word “Om” is also referred to as “Pranava” which is derived from a similar word, i.e. “Prana”. “Prana” means the breath of life and the word is used to describe breath and life which in ancient India was considered to be the same thing. This is true because all living things breath. Even the fishes in the water and the plants of the earth breath, albeit in different ways.

When one chants the word “Om” during meditation, it can help achieve a deeper level of meditation and can have profound effects on your body and soul. A deeper level of self-awareness can be achieved as you chant the word “Om” ushering you to a state where you are in tune with the sound of the universe.

The Meaning of Shree
The Word “Shree” is seen as an auspicious name. It is connected to the goddess Laxmi. Anything to do with the goddess Laxmi is usually something related to luck and wealth.
This word also has significant meaning in Indian astrology and numerology. Often Children whose names start with S or children named Shree are creative and hardworking. An attractive outlook is often desired by these people.

They value outer appearances and are often attractive themselves. They also have a very pragmatic approach to problem solving and life in general. They love and value independence and often when a problem arises, try to seek a solution by themselves and hesitate to seek it from a third party.
The Chanting of this word brings the Bhadrakali mantra the element of good luck and success.

The symbolism in these factors is hardly subtle. One can easily see that chanting of the word “Shree” brings in the required energy for success as it has relations with luck, stars, wealth and happiness which all points to the same direction, i.e. success.

The Meaning of Bhadrakali
As explained previously, Bhadrakali is the name of the Goddess. She is a powerful force of destruction who was created primarily for the destruction of evil. She is also one of the many forms of goddess Shakti.

The goddess maha Bhadrakali has at least three traditional stories of origin. Out of the three, the first one is about her origin lore that says she was formed from goddess Mahatmyam. This lore is told among the believers of Shaktism. The second Story has to do with King Daksha and is related and told among the followers of Shivaism. The third story is just as famous, and it is said that she was the daughter of the god Shiva.

The one common thing that binds all the stories together is her powerful evil destroying trait.

She brings the aspect of power to the Mantra or chant. In Tantra or witchcraft and many practices, customs and lore, names have power. Hence, by chanting the name of the goddess Bhadrakali, you manifest her power in order to destroy the obstacle in your life. This can be translated into not only removing a curse on you and your loved ones but also to aid in the destruction on your enemies.

The Meaning of Namah
The word “Namah” is used at the end of many Chants or mantras in Hinduism. You can also see this in the practice of Traditional Yoga.

“Namah” literally translated means bow. It is a word used to signify surrender and dependence on higher powers. The word “Namaha” in Sanskrit means ‘not me’. By chanting this word, you admit to yourself and put it out into the world that you are a part of the universe and it is not all about you.

There is much to be said about being selfless. It brings you a higher level of understanding and helps you become an overall better person.

This Word ushers in the aspect of being a person who is well in tune with the universe and a vessel of cosmic energy. By chanting “Namah”, your whole being gets elevated a little higher than before. What this does is that as a vessel who is more enlightened as your chanting progresses, you may hold and use more cosmic energy.

7 Amazing Benefits of Bhadrakali Mantra

I am sure I have convinced or t the very least swayed you to see the power or the workings of thismantra. I am going to highlight some of the main benefits, so here they are.

  1. Love: This mantra is known for its power to help one find love by eliminating obstacles. Said obstacles might be a person or situation or even a character in you.
  2. Financial growth: This mantra may also bring you more money also by removing obstacles. The goddess Bhadrakali is also known as a goddess who represents destruction for the purpose of rebirth.
  3. Luck: Often unknown rogue factors that we have no control over destroys or delays and obstructs our growth. The mantra helps in destroying these factors in order to help make space for better fortune or the correct fortune that you deserve and work for.
  4. Cleansing of Aura: As you chant the mantra the goddess’ power will clean your soul destroying the aspects of you that hinders you. It does this by bringing forward the change that you will require for purification.
  5. Victory over Evil: As the main purpose of the goddess’ creation was to destroy evil, when you chant it manifests her powers that destroyed evil and will help you similarly gain victory over evils both great and small, inside and out.

  6. Contentment: Finding contentment is very important to us. We talk about job satisfaction, good familial relationships, etc. All these are achievable with the usage of the Bhadra Kali mantra which will help usher in the changes required to achieve that state of contentment.
  7. Desirable results: The chant can also help you achieve desirable results. During times of testing the Chant will help temper you so you can achieve said goals.

Final Thoughts

The Bhadrakali mantra will usher in times of victory and tempering of self. This will ultimately help achieve the kind of life you desire and more importantly prepare you to be able to handle that success.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The Complete Guide to Kleem Mantra [Discover The Power of Love]
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The A-Z Guide to Saraswati Mantra [+Free Printable Meditation Guides]
A Guide to Sudarshana Maha Mantra [+Free Printable Meditation Guide]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

A Complete Guide on Saraswati Mantra [13 Mantras for Everyone]

A Vedic mantra dedicated to the goddess of knowledge and arts, Saraswati, is called Saraswati mantra. The mantra is believed to make us intelligent and knowledgeable in the fields of education, communication, and spiritual life.

These mantras are said to have been composed by Agastya, a revered sage. He was an influential Vedic scholar who also wrote a number of hymns for the Rigveda, along with his wife. The mantras are considered highly powerful. They are also relatively easier to learn when compared to other mantras.

The mantras are also a way to improve the way we talk as the goddess is associated with the power of speech. Individuals who seek to be good public speakers or excel in its field recite these mantras most ardently.

It is not a surprise that these mantras are highly recommended for anyone in the academic field. It is known to improve concentration and a better understanding of the subjects. These mantras are also widely used before the commencement of meetings, forums, and spiritual programs.

There are mantras meant for different types of purpose. These include mantras for achieving success and glory, gaining knowledge, excellence in academics and so on. I am very positive that everyone in Hinduism from students, artists, musicians to the most celebrated scientists recites the mantra for seeking knowledge and finding favor from her.

Allow me to point out that Saraswati mantra and Vidya mantra will be used interchangeably throughout this post. Vidya is another name of the goddess as you will see further on.

Who Exactly is Devi Saraswati?

Saraswati is one of the goddess of the female trinity, Tridevi, of the Hindu pantheon. She was created by the Brahma as an embodiment of his knowledge. It was she who helped Brahma brings order to the chaotic cosmos.

The literal meaning of her name is said to be a combination of “pooling water” or “speech” and “she who possesses.” The goddess is widely worshiped and prayed to by all followers of Hinduism all over the world.

Devi Saraswati
Devi Saraswati, by: Pinterest

In Hinduism, she is regarded as the goddess of music, arts, knowledge, learning, and wisdom. The earliest mentions of the goddess Saraswati can be traced back to the Rigveda.

The goddess is portrayed as a beautiful serene woman in a white saree with four arms. She is usually seated near a pot of water or a flowing river, which references to her earliest known history as the river goddess.

The iconographies associated with her are typically white which are a symbol of purity, or Sattwa Guna, insight, knowledge and insight.

They include:

  • White lotus – It symbolizes truth, knowledge, and light. She is often shown sitting on it.
  • White Swan – A sacred bird in Hindu mythology, it symbolizes her power to differentiate between good and evil. It also signifies transcendence, spiritual perfection, and moksha.
  • Veena – This musical instrument represents arts and sciences and her ability to create harmony.
  • Mala – A garland made of crystals, it represents inner reflection, meditation, and spirituality.
  • The book – It represents all forms of learning as well as eternal, divine and universal knowledge.
  • Water pot – It represents the purifying power to distinguish between right and wrong and the clean from the unclean.
  • Peacock – It represents dance as well as splendor.

Other names of goddess Saraswati.

As is the norm of other gods of the Hindu pantheon, Saraswati is also known by a multitude of names. Some of them are Mahabhadra, Varaprada, Padmaaksh, Divyanga, etc. In total, there’s more than 50 different names.

How to Chant Saraswati Mantra?

There are more than ten Saraswati mantras for different purposes. But before anything else, it is essential to know that each must be chanted in a specific manner.

However, the general rules to chant the mantras remain the same. These are:

  • Before we start chanting, it is essential to have a bath. If we are not able to have a bath, we need to wash our hands and feet at the very least.
  • Wearing white garments shows our absolute devotion to the goddess.
  • Having an image of the goddess Saraswati will help improve concentration.
  • Lighting incense sticks make the environment more conducive for the recitation.
  • Sit in the East or the North direction while chanting.
  • We must chant with full devotion to the goddess and feel the universal positive energy.
  • Chant the mantras daily for at least 48 days to reap maximum benefits.
  • Use a Sphatik mala or a Rudraksh mala every time we chant.
  • It is recommended to chant the mantra for 9, 27, 54, 108 or 1008 times on a daily basis.
  • Saraswati mantra benefits are best experienced during the auspicious Rohini, Mrigshira, and Chandravall periods.

Some of the most powerful Saraswati mantras are:

Saraswati Mantra for Students and Excellence in Academics

Saraswati Namasthubhyam Varade Kamarupini
Vidhyarambam Karishyami Siddhir Bavathume Sadha.

Meaning: Prayer to the goddess Saraswati to enhance power and focus, to expand retention capacity of the mind.

Benefit: Reciting this Vidya mantra improves memory and allows us to develop concentration in our studies. Anyone who faces difficulty in remembering what was taught in the classroom should recite this mantra. With regular chanting, it will significantly improve our performance in school.

Saraswati Mantra for Improving Speech

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Swaha.

Meaning: Vag Devi, grant me the power of speech.

Benefit: These mantras improve communication skills. Children or adults with speech impediments can particularly benefit from this mantra. This mantra is also very advantageous for people engaged in fields that require constant communication.

Saraswati Mantra for Knowledge

Saraswati Mahabhage Vidye Kamalalochane
Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi Vidyam dehi namosthute.

Meaning: Greeting to the goddess, bless me with the knowledge and proficiency in learning.

Benefit: When we chant this mantra regularly with faith and devotion, we acquire knowledge and understanding. Even those who have difficulties in learning will find their troubles slowly easing away.

Saraswati Vandana

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, aa shwetha padmaasana
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara, prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa.

Meaning: May the Goddess protect me. She is as fair as the jasmine-colored moon. Those pure white garlands are reminiscent of the frosty dew drops. Adorned in all radiant white, with the veena on her beautiful arms, she sits on a throne of white lotus. She is encircled by the gods who respect her. Please relieve me of my tiredness, ignorance, and weariness.

Benefit: When we chant this mantra daily, we will be invigorated and refreshed. All the troubles and problems that we face in this world will seem lighter, and we will feel more contented. Sometimes we feel burdened, and there is no motivation to do our best. But chanting this mantra will eliminate all the lethargy and tiredness from our physical body.

Saraswati Beej Mantra.

Aum Shreem Bhreem Saraswathaye Namaha.
Aum Aing Saraswathye Namah.

Meaning: Greetings to the Goddess Saraswati.

Benefit: When we chant the Bhij mantra of Saraswati, it has the potential to increase our speech as well as intelligence.

Saraswati Puranokta Mantra

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Vidyarupena Samsthita.
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah.

Meaning: Salutations to the goddess who gives me the knowledge and understanding to be fearless in life.

Benefit: Chanting this mantra allows us to have inner peace and develop strength when we are in trouble. The goddess will enable us to become fearless and equipped with this; nothing in this world can make us feel weak.

Saraswati Gayatri Mantra

Om Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayat.

Meaning: Goddess of speech let me pray to you. Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, grant me intellect and allow goddess Vani to illuminate my mind.

Benefit: This mantra sharpens the minds of the students. It can calm our minds when we feel panic and stressed before writing exams or participating in an important event. As a result, we will feel confident and no longer experience stress or fear before an important event.

Saraswati Mantra for Illumination

Maho, Arnah Saraswati Pracheyati Ketuna, Dhiyo Vishwa Virajati.

Meaning: Prayer to the goddess to eliminate fear from the heart. Allow the mind to be enlightened with intelligence and knowledge.

Benefit: Recitation of this Vidya mantra broadens and enlightens the minds of those who seek more profound knowledge of the world as well as the mental and spiritual. It also removes the fear of the unknown and new worldly experiences. Human being fears the unknown, but the goddess make eliminates this fear and makes us enlightened.

Most Common Saraswati Mantra

Shuklaam Brahmvichaar
Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak
Dhaarinneebhamay Daam
Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam
Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem
Paramaasane Sansthitaam Vande Taam
Parameshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam.

Meaning: I pray to the fair colored goddess, Saraswati. You are the first among all divine energy, who in the form of knowledge is present in the world. She holds a veena, the sphatik rosary and the Vedas in her hands. Another hand is raised in blessing for the devotees. She has the power to take away the ignorance and bring intelligence into my being.

Benefit: Reciting this mantra takes away the ignorance and foolishness that the world may burden us with.

Saraswati Prayer for Wisdom

Paavakaa Nah Sarasvatii Vaajebhir-Vaajiniivatii |
Yajnyam Vassttu Dhiyaavasuh.

Meaning: Oh goddess Saraswati, you purify our intellect. Your strength grows with our sacrificial offerings. May I be rich in wisdom due to your presence within me.

Benefit: Chanting this mantra regularly makes us wiser as we deal with the complexities of life.

Acceptance of Prayer and Blessings

Codayitrii Suunrtaanaam Cetantii Sumatiinaam |
Yajnyam Dadhe Sarasvatii.

Meaning: Goddess Saraswati, you inspire truth and reminds us to be good. You have accepted my offerings, and you hold it now.

Benefit: Reciting this mantra allows us to confess the goodness of the goddess and her blessings. We humbly accept all the blessings she has bestowed on our lives.

Making the Presence of Universal Wisdom Felt

Maho Arnnah Sarasvatii Pra Cetayati Ketunaa |
Dhiyo Vishvaa Vi Raajati.

Meaning: The great wave of universal wisdom, Saraswati. You flow like a river, and you awaken our intellect. You shine as an embodiment of universal wisdom.

Benefit: When we recite this mantra, we acknowledge the universal wisdom of the goddess. We become a part of the universal energy.

Saraswati Mantra for Glory

Saraswati Mahabage vidye kamalalochane
Vidyarupe vishalakshi vidya dehi namastute

Meaning: I bow down and pray to goddess Saraswati for blessing me with the ability to learn and giving the best knowledge upon my life.

Benefit: This mantra seeks to please the goddess and receive blessings from her. It seeks to ask for glory and power that are in this world.

When to Chant Saraswati Mantra?

I shall assume that of all us understand that Hindu mantras are most effective when chanted during auspicious times. The best time to recite Devi Saraswati mantras is during Rohini, Mrigshira, Chandravalli nakshatras or the lunar mansion.

The nakshatras in Indian astronomy are ecliptic sectors. There are 28 (some sources mention only 27) sectors, and they relate to the most prominent asterisms. It starts with Ashvinī which lies in the Aries constellation and end with Abhijit in the constellation of Lyra.

The Mahabharata or the Hindu scripture credits the creation of nakshatras to Dakhsa, who was one of Lord Brahma’s sons. The nakshatras are personified as Daksha’s daughters who became the wives of Chandra or the moon god.

Let us discuss the auspicious times to chant this Vidya mantra in further detail:


Sign or symbol: A cow drawn cart, a chariot, a banyan tree, and a temple.

Degree: In Indian zodiac, it is between 10 degrees to 23:20 degrees of Vrishabha Rasi. In western zodiac, it is between 6 degrees to 19:20 degrees of Gemini.

Meaning: Rohini is an extract from the word Rohan whose meaning translates, to bring or to rise to excellence.

The story behind it.

Rohini is the fourth of the nakshatras. It is called the red one in reference to its associated star Aldebaran, which is a giant red star in the constellation Taurus. It corresponds to the month of November on the solar calendar.

Hindu mythology describes her as the only one that the moon god intended to marry. Although he did end up marrying all the twenty-six sisters at the behest of their father, Rohini remained a favorite of the moon god, Chandra.

She was described as extraordinarily beautiful, an expert dancer, artistic and an expert in conjugal arts. Among all the sisters she was the only one who loved to indulge in beautiful dresses, jewelry, cosmetics and makeup. It is no wonder that the moon god fell entirely in love with her who spent most of his time with her.

Rohini is further divided into four quarters or padas.

  1. The first quarter or pada is between 10 degrees and 13:20 Taurus which falls in Aries. It is ruled by the planet Mars. This pada is rich in spirituality, and extravagance.
  2. The second quarter or pada lies between 13:20 and 16:40 degrees which fall in Taurus. It is ruled by the planet Venus and is the strongest pada in the entire zodiac and produces the best results from the mantras.
  3. The third quarter or pada lies in between 16:40 and 20:00 degrees and falls in Gemini. It is ruled by the planet Mercury. This pada equates with the accumulation of wealth.
  4. The fourth quarter or pada is between 20:00 degrees and 23:20 degrees and falls in the zodiac of Cancer. It is ruled by the moon. This pada equates with the undesirable qualities of Rohini such as narrow-mindedness, materialistic hoarding and being possessive.


The lunar energies of the planet Venus and the moon saturate Rohini with the feminine energy. Rohini is the most fruitful, feminine and nurturing among all the nakshatras. It is also the most productive as well as receptive. During this period, garments of red, white and pastel shades with floral designs are most favorable.

Activities which will flourish and experience untold abundance during this period include:

  • Trading and business.
  • Agriculture activities of sowing or planting fields.
  • Constructing houses.
  • Investing in financial dealings.
  • Getting married.
  • Improved sexual life and romance.
  • Buying jewelry and clothes for women.
  • Investing in automobiles.
  • Self-improvement and physical rejuvenation.

Professions and industries that will benefit during this nakshatra are:

  • Agriculture.
  • Artists and musicians.
  • Any industry that deals with liquids.
  • Herbalists and botanists.

  • Banks and financial institutions.
  • Tourism and hospitality sector.
  • Fashion and garment industry.
  • Entertainment.
  • Automobile and textile industry.


Sign or symbol: A deer’s head.

Degree: In Indian Zodiac, it lies between 23:20 degrees Vrishabha and 6:40 degrees Mithuna. In western Zodiac it lies between 19:20 degrees of Gemini and 2:40 degree Cancer.

Meaning: It comes from the words Mrig which means deer and shira which stands for a head. So it literally means a deer’s head.

The story behind it.

Mrigshira is the fifth of the nakshatras. It corresponds to the constellation of Orion. She is one of the daughters of Daksha and one of the twenty-seven wives of the moon god, Chandra. It corresponds to the month of December on the solar calendar.

This nakshatra is divided into four pada or quarters.

  1. The first quarter or pada lies between 23:20 degrees and 26:40 degrees and falls in the zodiac of Leo. It is ruled by the Sun. It relates to the unyielding nature of Mrigshira and the ability to express through art.
  2. The second quarter or pada lies between 26:40 degrees and 30:00 degrees and falls in the zodiac of Virgo. It is ruled by the planet Mercury. This pada relates to the humorous and practical side of the nakshatra.
  3. The third quarter or pada is between 00:00 degrees and 3:20 and falls in the Libra. It is ruled by the planet Venus. This pada relates to being sociable and pursuing the mental side of relationships.
  4. The fourth quarter or pada is 3:20 degrees and 6:40 degrees and falls in the zodiac of Scorpio. It is ruled by the planet Mars. This pada relates to the negative aspect of the nakshatra such as being argumentative, jumping to conclusions and being suspicious.


Mars being the primary ruler of this nakshatra, it provides the martian energy. It also forms a bridge between the zodiacs Gemini and Taurus and is the only nakshatra which lies equally on both. Therefore, there is a strong desire to balance the energy between air and the earth.

It has the tremendous artistic ability to express as well as an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Materialistic gains can be witnessed in this nakshatra as well. It is advised to wear garments of red, white, green as well as bright colors with sparkles and glitters.

Activities that will be very fruitful and witness a lot of growth during this period are:

  • Traveling and exploring nature.
  • Sightseeing.
  • Engaging in sales activities.
  • Changing or adopting a new name.
  • Advertising.
  • Socializing with others.
  • Moving to a new place or changing residences.
  • Start an education on communication.
  • Sexual activity.
  • Physical rejuvenation.
  • Performing religious activities like rituals.
  • Setting up or constructing altars.
  • Communication.
  • Artistic works such as painting, dancing, etc.

Professions and industries that will benefit during this nakshatra are:

  • Writers of all kinds – poets, novelists and so on.
  • Painters, musicians, dancers, and singers.
  • Gemstone dealers and jewelers.
  • Real estate and Advertisers.
  • Landscapers and designers in various categories.
  • Astrologers.
  • Physicians and teachers.


Another auspicious time to chant the Saraswati mantra is during Chandravalli. The story behind this figure is, to say the least. I, for one, think the story and the records are very ambiguous as well as mysterious.

Unlike the nakshatras of Rohini and Mrigshira, Chandravalli has no sign or symbol or degree in astrology. She was more of a physical entity in the ancient world during Krishna.

Some texts describe her as a beautiful and devoted gopi or a milkmaid. She was one of the many gopis that Krishna loved while on earth. There are sources that describe her as the sister of Radha, the chief consort of Lord Krishna. However, their affections for Krishna put them in very conflicting situations. In many places, Chandravalli, whose name means a multitude of moons, is portrayed as a stiff rival of Radha. This of course, is a constant source of grief to Radha, but something that Krishna finds intriguing.

However, she serves merely as a background to the epic love story of Krishna and Radha. She is portrayed as a submissive woman who charmed Krishna and enraged Radha in the process. In all the sources, she is depicted as the woman that always lost to Radha, whether in terms of talent, beauty and ultimately winning the love of Krishna.

In yet another source, Chandravalli is the flute that Lord Krishna plays. The flute is described as the physical embodiment of the intense love between Krishna and Radha. The flute was a gift from the chief god, Brahma. The music that flowed from the Chandravalli was so magical that all the wild animals and birds danced to it whenever Krishna played it. It was also very enchanting and drew all the milkmaids or the gopis to throng around Krishna.

Whichever version we choose to believe, it is an auspicious time to chant mantras to the goddess Saraswati.

13 Miraculous Saraswati Mantra Benefits

  • Communication skills.
    Recitation of Vidya mantras dramatically improves the way we speak and talk. The mantras are especially beneficial if we have to involve in a lot of public speaking and other platforms that require talking.

    It can be very helpful for someone in the fields of hospitality, entertainment or media.

  • Academic Excellence.
    Goddess Saraswati is the embodiment of knowledge. When we recite the mantras in her honor regularly, we begin to excel in studies whether in school or college or at the university level. Ardently reciting the mantras will significantly improve our academic performance.

    The students themselves can recite the mantras, but if he or she is not in a position to do it, the parents can recite the mantras for their children.

  • Improved Concentration.
    Reciting these mantras will improve our concentration especially in the field of academics. It allows us to have more retention power and enhances our ability to focus. It can be particularly beneficial for students or anyone engaged in the field of academics.
  • Speech impediments.
    As the goddess of speech or vach, Devi Saraswati helps our children and adults with speech impediments and impairments. When we recite the mantras, it dramatically improves the ability to overcome the impairment.
  • Renewed physical strength.
    Chanting the mantras to the goddess Saraswati regularly will get rid of physical tiredness and lethargic feelings. Along with the mental knowledge and intelligence, our physical bodies get invigorated and refreshed.

    As a result, we feel more renewed and energetic to perform better in various aspects of life. Whenever we feel a lack of energy and the beginning of boredom, we must chant these powerful mantras to feel empowered and vitalized.

  • Wealth and finances.
    When we chant the mantras daily, we will experience an increase in our financial status. It may be in terms of a promotion at work, inheriting from a relative, or making a profit in business. The mantras allow us to find favor with the goddess and she will improve our financial status to a great degree.
  • Inner peace and strength.
    When we face a challenging situation or get frustrated, chanting Saraswati mantra will make us feel stronger. The goddess makes us fearless of any obstacle that might disturb our lives.

    As a result of this, we will develop inner peace and strength over time. We will feel confident and more relaxed as well.

  • Professional growth.
    As the patron goddess of science and learning, Saraswati mantras benefits our professional and makes it life better. Whether we are engaged in the field of science, agriculture, trading, business, beauty or fashion, reciting Saraswati mantras regularly will allow us to shine in our respective field of profession.
  • Increased knowledge.
    Where there is knowledge, there is no place for ignorance. Regular chanting of the mantras will also sharpen our minds and help us develop our understanding in various fields. And knowledge does not come from engaging in academics alone. We can harness knowledge wherever we are in life, whether at work, in the playground, meeting with colleagues and so on.

    We develop a keen awareness of general affairs. We become keener and build mastery in our fields of expertise and profession.

  • Overcoming panic.
    A lot of us feel incredibly stressed and panic when there is an important event coming up. It can be such event as public speaking, first job interview, meeting the in-laws, auditions, and exams, etc.
  • In this situation, chanting Saraswati mantra will help us overcome panic and stress. The goddess will help us remain calm, and we will be confident to execute the task at hand.

  • Abundance in wisdom.
    We all agree that there is a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge can be acquired, but wisdom comes from the gods and goddesses. As the goddess of wisdom, chanting Saraswati mantras will fill our lives with abundance in wisdom. It will help us make better career decisions, and make better life choices.
  • It enables us to be wise in worldly affairs as well as spiritual growth. Chanting the mantras also allows the goddess to protect our wisdom to prevent us from falling prey to corrupt and deviant ways.

  • Excellence in arts.
    Any activity that involves and produces acoustic, visual or physical performance can be considered arts. As the patron goddess of music and arts, Saraswati protects and polishes the artistic ability of her devotees. When we chant the mantras in her honor, she allows us to flourish in the field of arts. Whether it is painting, dancing, music or writing, the mantras are beneficial for a person engaged in arts.

    Chanting the mantras also protects the knowledge and the sanctity of artistic abilities. The goddess has been protecting the arts and the medium through the ages.

  • Spiritual illumination.
    Recitation of Saraswati mantras regularly is known to enlighten our minds. It relieves the fears that we harbor in our hearts. Fear of the unknown, fear of the future and new experiences slowly dies away. It makes our mind free to grow and seek spiritual growth as a result of which we become enlightened and achieve spiritual illumination.

Saraswati Mantra on Youtube

Here’s a video from Youtube that will help you chant this mantra:

(Very Popular Video)

Final Thoughts

By now, I am confident that we realize how vital the Saraswati mantra is in our lives. It is not just a mere collection of ancient texts that are mindlessly spoken. When we really put our hearts and faith in the goddess and recite the mantras regularly, it can transform our lives, the lives of our children and our family.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

    Click here if want to learn more!

A Guide to Sudarshana Maha Mantra [Everything You Need to Know]

Sudarshana Maha Mantra is a powerful mantra which helps us to acquire all-around success and Karya siddhi. It is the most effective way to please Lord Sudarshana. It captured my attention when I’ve first heard of it, so I said to myself that I need to share it!

This mantra will give you a divine aura to both your mental and physical aspects. It will also help you to progress spiritually and lead you to inner peace and serenity. You will get relieved of ill luck, financial crisis, health issues, spiritual dissatisfaction etc. if you chant this mantra regularly.

What is Sudarshana Maha Mantra?

This Sanskrit word ‘Sudarshana’ is a combination of two words. ‘Su’ means divine, ‘Darshana’ means vision so, the word Sudarshana translates to ‘Divine Vision’.

The Sudarshana Maha Mantra is an auspicious and potent mantra that will help you to de-clutter your life from any unnecessary elements that may have been hindering your progress. Sudarshana mantra benefits are not only just a religious aspect, but they heal us physically, mentally and spiritually.

You need to recite is as follows:

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem
Krishnaaya Govindaaya
Gopeejana Vallabhaya
Paraya Param Purushaaya Paramathman
Para Karma Manthtra Yanthra Tanthra
Oushadha Visha Aabichara Astra Shastra
Samhara Samhara Mrithiyur Mochaya Mochaya
Om Namo Bhagavathey
Maha Sudarshanaya
Om Preem Reem Rum
Deepthrey Jwala Pareethaya
Sarwa Digkchobhanakaraye Karaeya
Hum Phat Para Bhrahmaney
Param Jyothish Swaha
Om Namo Bhagavathey Sudarshanaya
Om Namo Bhagvathey Maha Sudarshanaya
Maha Chakraya Maha Jwaalaya
Sarva Roga Prashamanaya
Karma Bandha Vimochanaya
Paadaathimastha Paryanthan
Vaada Janitha Rogaan Pitha
Janitha Rogaan Shlesma Janitha Rogaan
Daathusankalikoth Bhava
Naanaa Vikaara Rogaan
Nasaya Nasaya
Prasamaya Prasamaya

Meaning of the Sudarshana Maha Mantra in English

Here’s a quick translation of this mantra.

“ O Lord Krishna, you are the controller of this entire universe, the senses. You are the supreme soul and the beloved one among the gopees. Please Param aatma, protect me from all evils, acts of others, evil mantra and weapons. O Lord, who has the entire world on his fingertips, who holds the mighty Sudarshana chakra and wards off evil from all eight directions, I surrender myself to thee.”

How and When to Chant Sudarshana Maha Mantra

This Sudarshana Maha Mantra can be initiated on birth(nakshatra) days and Ekadashi tithi days. It is very beneficial if you can recite it, but with busy work schedules these days, it may not be possible, that’y why you can also recite it on Saturdays and Wednesdays, which are the most favorable days.

  • This sacred mantra should be recited in the early morning after taking a bath or in the Sandhya Kala, i.e., evening. It is advised to do it sitting in front of an idol or picture of Lord Sudarshana/Lord Vishnu.
  • You can recite it for 3, 9, 11 or 108 times as per your convenience. And any individual can chant this maha mantra; there are no barriers.
  • You could also offer sweet food items made with sesame or laddu, tamarind rice, etc.
  • Tulsi and Lotus flowers can be used to offer to Lord Sudarshana.
  • Recite it facing the north and east direction.
  • While chanting the mantra, you can use the rosary beads made of tulsi or clear quartz crystals.

This mantra can also be used in Shri Sudarshana Homa or Yajna. Homas are thousands of years old rituals in which the mantra is recited over the burning fire which is the Yajna. They usually have elaborate setups with other routines. There are hundreds of homas for different purposes, and Sudarshana homa is one of the powerful ones.

Chanting of this mantra over a fire ritual or homa is a Vedic custom which accesses Lord Vishnu’s spiritual weapon, the Sudarshan chakra. The person on behalf of whom the homa is performed should be physically present in the homa or japa.

It won’t be possible for you to perform this homa every day, so you can also do it in the confines of your home. You can sit in front of a picture of Lord Vishnu, offer some flowers, burn a lamp and incense sticks. Take a glass of water and put a few tulsi leaves, cover the glass using the right-hand palm, recite the mantra and then the holy water can be given to people who need it.

If you cannot arrange much, then sit with a clear mind and chant the mantra daily. If you chant the maha mantra regularly with a pure heart, then you will definitely see results.

Who is Lord Sudarshana?

Lord Sudarshana is a manifestation of Lord Vishnu shown holding the Sudarshana Chakra in his rear right hand. In the other three sides, he holds a shank (conch), Gada (mace) and Padma (lotus). When Lord Vishnu is seen in his form holding ths chakra, he is acknowledged as Lord Sudarshana. This form of him is rightly called as the ‘Divine Vision’.

Lord Sudarshana
Lord Sudarshana by: Devshoppe

This weapon is of such significance that it is acknowledged as a deity itself. When you chant this powerful mantra, you are showering praise on the weapon by addressing it as a deity named Lord Sudarshana. You hail the powers that it unfolds and invoke the power of Lord Vishnu or Narayana. This powerful mantra helps to harness the auspicious qualities of the Sudarshana chakra which is one of the most feared and dreaded weapons in the universe.

Significance of the Sudarshana Chakra

It is the holy weapon of Lord Vishnu. This chakra has 108 serrated blades or edges. These blades lookout for evil and destroy them. Out of all his weapons, this is the most significant and powerful one. The sharp edges can severe anything in the Universe. The disc gives out immense heat as it is also an aspect of Agni who is the Lord of Fire.

The typical image of Sudarshana chakra contains a circular ring where Lord Sudarshana is shown with Sixteen hands. Around the circle are found flames of fire as a representation of the Sun God. On the other side there is an image of Lord Narasimha.

This ring represents the destruction of all evil forces and imparts victory of good over evil. When hurled at an enemy, this chakra slices through the air like a disc with blazing fire with a tremendous amount of power. It is known that the chakra can search for its enemy in all the four directions. So, this weapon is also considered as the protector of Dharma and justice among humanity.

In the Nrisimha Upanishads, there is narration as to how Lord Vishnu obtained this powerful weapon of destruction. Once when demons began to overthrow the Gods, so the gods went to Lord Vishnu and asked for his help. Vishnu wanted to have a mighty weapon to defeat the demons. So, he started praying to Lord Shiva and decided to offer one thousand lotus flowers and chanting the Shiva Mantras. Vishnu noticed that one of the lotus flowers were missing so he offered to give his own eyes to replace the missing lotus so that he could complete his prayer ritual.

Lord Shiva was so impressed by his exceptional devotion that he granted Vishnu a weapon of his choice. Lord Vishnu asked for the Sudarshan Chakra so that he could fight with the demons. Shiva fulfilled his wish and gifted him the most potent weapon in the universe.

sudarshan chakra small
Sudarshan Chakra

It is written in the Puranas that the heavens architect Vishwakarma made the Sudarshan Chakra from shreds of fire of the sun. Vishwakarma’s daughter was married to Lord Surya- the sun god. Due to his intense heat, she could not be with him, so she complained to her father.

To please his daughter, Vishwakarma shaved off the edges of the Sun to make it shine less. The leftover ‘sun dust’ was used to create three powerful celestial objects. The first one was the aerial vehicle called the Pushpaka Vimana, the second being the Trishul- the Trident. And the third one was the Sudarshana Chakra.

That is why the chakra is considered to be a blazing disc having all the power of the sun. It is a portable instrument and the most powerful among all of Vishnu’s weapons. Its presence also implies that Lord Vishnu is the keeper or owner of celestial bodies in the three lokhas (heaven, hell and earth).
You can also get the qualities of this weapon such as courage and fearlessness by praying to lord Sudarshana. The ultimate reason for worshipping this chakra is to refine your perception and vision by achieving an enormous amount of spiritual maturity.

Benefits of the Sudarshana Maha Mantra

Chanting of this mantra will give you immense benefits that will bring peace into your lives. When you recite this mantra, you pray to Lord Sudarshana to bless you immensely with good luck, health and spiritual well being.

  1. This mantra has the power to remove all curses or doshas and will provide a shield over you and your family.
  2. We can block all evil influences that prevent good things from happening in our lives.
  3. It is also beneficial for pregnant women who will be thinking of Lord Sudarshana during their pregnancy and get blessings for the unborn child.
  4. It will give you courage, fearlessness, confidence and victory over your enemies.
  5. You will also be relieved from unknown or unexplained worries that may hinder your progress.
  6. It will remove any obstacles that you may face in your path to spirituality. Your connection with the Lord gets strengthened.
  7. On regular chanting of this mantra, it will cure you of any unidentified disease whether it is mental or physical. It will give you a healthy mind and body.
  8. It will bless you with wealth, health and prosperity.
  9. If you are suffering from any disease and you chant this mantra regularly, then you will see tremendous improvements in your health. It will also keep you more energetic.
  10. Since it is very powerful, it is also used to ward off bad energy, ghosts and evil entities. It can be used in the exorcism of demons and evil spirits.
  11. It will bless you with success and abundance; it will help you to achieve your dreams.
  12. You can use this maha-mantra to remove darkness from the mind. It will lead you to self-purification and mental rejuvenation.
  13. It is essential for Karya siddhi. Any work that you set your mind to do will be a success if you religiously chant this mantra.
  14. If you have been dealing with any kind of legal disputes in the court regarding property, money or land, this mantra will help you to ease your problems in these issues. Any pending cases or litigation will be dissolved.
  15. Or if you have been going through financial issues regarding loans, credit card or you can’t find a good job, and then this mantra will lead you to an excellent financial status or a good job. It is beneficial even for entrepreneurs as they can earn more profits or get success in new ventures. It also helps in career advancements.

Final Thoughts

In today’s fast-paced world, this mantra can give you spiritual access with your inner self. Chanting this mantra will help you to develop your personality so that you attain Karya siddhi in any venture or activity. Lord Sudarshana will bless you and your family with health, wealth and prosperity.

Please keep in mind that Whenever you recite the mantra, do it with a clear mind and soul. If you hold grudges, ill feelings or greed in your heart then you won’t be able to feel the connection and reap the benefits.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]
The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

    P.S. You can get this course for only $97 which means that you’ll pay $2.7 for each lesson. That’s crazy cheap.

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The Absolute Guide to Shabar Mantra [How to Chant Them & More]

Shabar mantra is one that has been developed using the local dialects of India. Unlike a traditional Sanskrit mantra, we chant a shabar mantra for its inherent meaning.

The mantra originated from one of the principal deities, Lord Shiva, who passed on his knowledge to the goddess Parvati. Later on, during the 11th and 12th century, Guru Gorakhnath introduced the mantra to the masses after realizing its power. It is unique in that it follows no code, rituals, styles or grammar.

These mantras are considered even more powerful and effective than Vedic mantras. Each of the Vedic mantras is believed to have a Keelan or a lock. This lock restrains the power of the mantras. Only after chanting a certain required number of mantras we can unlock the potential. On the other hand, shabar mantras do not need a Keelan to be opened. Therefore, the mantra is as potent when it is first spoken. As a result of this, we will experience the desired results within a brief time.

While chanting this mantra, we will be filled by a deep sinking feeling in our heart. This signifies the enormous vibrational energy of the mantra and is not to be taken as a negative. It is also symbolic of the presence of the god of that mantra over our life.

These types of mantras available today are said to have been written by Guru Gorakhnath. While the meaning of some mantras can be easily translated and understood, others may be difficult for us to understand, and some do not carry any meaning at all.

I must point out that there are different types of these mantras available. They can range from mantras for resolving conflicts, peace, and success, bounding an adversary, healing poisonous bites, finance, love and many more. Among all the mantras, the most popular ones are shabar mantra for love and shabar mantra for money.

These mantras are predominantly practiced by the followers and tantriks who follow Guru Gorakhnath. However, they may also be practiced by anyone who has faith, devotion and positive intentions

Who is Lord Shiva and how Exactly is he Connected with this Mantra?

Lord Shiva or Mahadeva, is one of the gods of Hindu trinity called Trimurti. He holds a significant place in Hinduism for his ability to destroy as well as create. He is also called ‘the destroyer’ within the trinity.

We revere him for his powers to destroy imperfections such as greed and lust in the universe. He destroys the world so that a new creation can be allowed to flourish. He represents a complex character that is often full of passion, benevolence and acts as the protector. Other times, he is depicted as an ascetic, who washes his hands clean of pleasure and indulgence. During these times, he concentrates on meditation and is, therefore, the patron god of meditation, and yoga.

His union with his wife, Parvati is regarded as the perfect marriage. His wife brought balance and moderation in his nature. His marriage to her allowed him to be a lover as well as an ascetic. It is the reason why couples pray to him for a great married life.

Lord Shiva Statue in Murdeshwara.

The highest form of Shiva is said to be limitless and formless. He is often represented as a man with blue skin and a cobra on his neck. The blue skin is symbolic of him swallowing poison to save the universe. The cobra being of the deadliest serpents, it represents Shiva’s absolute power.

Other iconography includes:

  • Three horizontal lines or the vibhuti on his forehead, which conceals his third eye. The third eye is the source of his power which once consumed the love god, as a consequence of distracting Shiva while in worship.
  • The trishul or the trident represents the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
  • The crescent moon is a symbol of his ability to control time.
  • The matted hair is where the Ganges flows from.
  • The tiger skin he sits on represents his victory over lust and power.

Lord Shiva is said to have practiced meditation for years at a stretch. His connection to shabar mantra has a fascinating story attached to it. During the ancient times, the maharishis or ancients sages used to meditate in the Himalayas which were then covered in dense forests. During their long epic spells of meditation, their deep desire for moksha frightened the asuras in the area. Asuras are divine beings or demigods some of which were benevolent and others malevolent.

To prevent the sages from attaining moksha, the asuras used to disturb them and sometimes attacked them while deep in meditation. The sages prayed to Shiva for help. Being a practitioner of meditation himself, he understood their problem. Lord Shiva then composed the mantras for them. It is said that the first mantra was revealed to his wife, Parvati after he realized the shabar manta benefits.

The earliest shabar mantras were translated by Guru Gorakhnath who had attained Samadhi or the ultimate union with god. Because of their initial intended purpose, these mantras were meant to work fast with precision on the target.

How to Chant Shabar Mantra?

There are different types of mantras involving different deities, for example: Vashikaran, Laxmi, Hanuman, Saundarya, Siddha and Gorakhnath Siddha Shabar Mantra among others. However, because it requires invoking of god’s name and has immediate results, we must do it with faith and utmost care.

Typically, it can be chanted by both females and males.

Shabar Mantra for Love

Love mantras can be beneficial to increase attraction, increase chances of falling in love, and improve relationships and winning back our lost love. It may be chanted to vibrate positive energy from family and friends. It can also work to dispel negativity from jealous individuals as well.

Shabar mantra for love should never be chanted to hurt or get back at someone. It was not created for this purpose.

To reap the optimum benefits, we must chant with a positive mindset, visualizing the love and harvesting all the positive energy.

Some of the powerful shabar mantras for love that we may chant to improve our love life are:

Om Nahom Kat Vikat Ghor Rupini (name of the beloved person) Say Vashmanay Swaha.”
“Om Shri Ganesham Vidhnesham Vivahaharthe Te Namah.”
“Om Shriganesham Vidhnesham Vivahaharthe Te Namah.

Shabar Mantra for Love on Youtube

Below you can find a Youtube video that can help you chant Shabar Mantra for love.

(Mantra for love)

Shabar Maha Mantra for a Better Luck

Chanting mantras is a powerful way to fulfill our desires and enhance our luck. There is a specific way to chant these mantras.

  • While chanting, try to do so during the same time of the day and in the same place.
  • The solar and the lunar eclipse have a significant influence on our luck. Therefore, we must try to chant more during this auspicious time.
  • Chant the mantras in their original form and text. Missing out a word or changing them will reduce their efficacy.
  • Chant the maha mantra seven times in the morning while facing the sun.
  • Whenever we start something new, it helps to chant the mantra.

Chun chunyeh mantra, dekhojantar, badahayadhantar
Bole aswatar, achahaiyehjantar,
Uchalesamundar, kaabilyehtantar
Phike sab bandar, jebihayebhantar
Sabhi se baltar, ramujkamantar,
Kapsahaisundar, tale jodukh-rog,
Bhage who nahibhog
Jamayamahajog, dekhiyejitamlok
Badatamasa, machayakhasa
Dhulaurdhamasa, bajatayehtasa
Marujoekkaal, dhanegiaisitaal
Badaja hanuman, karimsuleman
Hakim jilukmaanaurjinparasthan
Jaadukahaphtkhan, devo majardaan
Jangikohestaan, waise o mastan
Sab vash ho jaye, sab gam khojaye
Dilsukhhanjaye, sab gum hattjaye
Aaojidekhoji, hasoaur nacho.
Aisohai Sancho, nankahetamaso,
Sukhsampati ne suntti so koi dekho.
Guru ki Shakti meri bhakti,
Phuro mantra eshwarvacha
Satya guru ka mantra sacha.

Hanuman Shabar Mantra for Protection

Chanting this powerful mantra will protect us as well as our family from negative influences. It may include things such as black magic, evil eye or enemies.

While chanting these mantras, remember to observe the following to maximize the shabar mantra benefits.

  • Start on a Tuesday or a Saturday.
  • Observe a fast on Tuesdays and eat food only once.
  • Every Tuesday or a Saturday, offer fruits, coconut, two or seven ladoos, a wooden chappal and clothes to Hanuman. It may be to his idol or a picture.
  • Distribute chana and jaggery to the children.
  • It is vital that the chant is repeated 1080 times every day for three months to reap results.
  • Put on red clothes and apply red chandantilak on the forehead.

Ulta biir
Bajrang ka pao kar
Bara kosa adhad
Sam terakos
Aanpohoch re ulta
Biirbajrang ka pao
Jahahaivaha se laao
Is kaya pindke
Balakunavnadi se
Bahatarkothadi se
Rom rom se
Cham cham se
Gudgud se
Meri bhakti, guru ki Shakta
Furo mantra eshwarvancha.

Hanuman Shabar Mantra on Youtube

Below you can find a Youtube video that can help you chant Hanuman Shabar Mantra for protection.

(Lord Hanuman Shabar Mantra)

Shabar Mantra for Money

Chanting Dhan Lakshmi Shabar mantras are effective ways to make our finances flourishing. It can generate more income and profits in business as well as other works. It also helps get rid of procrastination and develop an active, fruitful life.

To start chanting shabar mantra for money, we are to follow these guidelines:

  • Commence on an auspicious day or a Wednesday before sunrise.
  • Light an incense stick as well as an oil lamp and place it in front of the goddess Mahalakshmi.
  • Chant four mala of the Dhan Lakshmi Shabar using Sphatik mala.
  • Chant the shabar mantra for money for twenty-one days to reap the results.
  • After the sadhana, it is essential to chant it 108 times every day.

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Tribhuvan Palini Lakshmi Mam Daridrayam Nashay.
Nashay Prachuram Dhanam Me Dehi Kleen Hreem Shreem Om.

Shabar Mantra for Money on Youtube

Below you can find a Youtube video that can help you chant it.

15 Miraculous Shabar Mantra Benefits

Shabar mantras benefits manifests from the moment they are spoken. The benefits can a meaningful impact on every area of life.

1. Peace.
In most cases, negativity stems from the heart and mind. These mantras help us to move away from such emotions and thoughts. It allows us to get rid of feelings such as anger and lust and provides peace.

2. Free from worries.
All daily affairs can be the source of constant worries. It can have an adverse effect on life. The mantras help a practitioner to slowly ease away from the concerns and instead focus on its benefits.

3. Protection from negative influences.
Regular practice will remove all negative forces such as evil eye and black magic. Unknown to us, there could be these evil force lurking.

However, the mantra will protect us as well as our family.

4. Abundance in finances.
Whenever we have trouble or difficulty in achieving financial freedom, these mantras can unlock the riches for us. To have more income, generate more gain and profits, we need to chant shabar mantra for money regularly.

5. Love.
Shaba mantra for love has a potent influence when it comes to love. They can influence our beloved to fall in love with us, make us more attractive and may even bring back our lost love. It can also influence our parents and family to allow us to have a love marriage instead of an arranged one. It can keep the prying eyes of enemies and neighbors away.

6. Relationships.
These mantras can allow our relationship to be better. Where there are misunderstanding and lack of love, it can restore love in relationships. A broken relationship in a marriage will be restored. Couples will regain love and happiness in their marriage.

7. Success.
When we chant the mantras with sincere faith, our lives will be transformed, and we will have success in every area of life.

Because our desires and wishes will be fulfilled, we will have respect and prosperity wherever we are in life.

8. Warding off the effects of other mantras.
When the mantras are chanted regularly, it can keep us safe from the influences of other mantras that may interfere with it. While chanting these, a peacock feather is to be incorporated.

9. Protection against poison.
When we are exposed to poisonous creatures such as snakes and scorpions, this mantra can be especially beneficial. The mantras can allow protection against all harmful and toxic elements.

10. Protection from natural elements.
The powerful mantras can also work as protection from natural disasters such as floods, hailstorms, and fires. While in a situation like these, it is important to chant the mantra once with full concentration.

11. Healing from diseases.
When we are suffering from physical ailments such as fever, the mantra can be chanted to experience healing from it. Along with the mantra, some traditional remedies are also incorporated.

12. Protection while sleeping.
As we sleep peacefully, someone may be planning to burglarize our home. Chanting the mantra before we sleep will keep us protected from these unscrupulous elements as well as other harmful sources.

13. Positive energy.
As they release their power from the first go, the mantras can fill our lives with energy.

We will feel empowered and recharged to take on the various challenges in life. There will be an inner spark of energy and it will influence a change in us.

14. Freedom from worldly desires.
As a source of spiritual energy, when we concentrate on these mantras, we will no longer have the urge for physical and worldly desires. Instead, we will be transformed and seek spiritual fulfillment and ultimately, moksha.

15. Divine protection.
These mantras allow our lives to be guided and protected by Lord Shiva himself. So we will have divine protection as long as you chant these mantras.

Final Thoughts

Shabar mantras are an excellent and effective way to achieve, protect and flourish. They can be especially advantageous when all of us are pressed for time.

Have a sincere heart, and full faith in its power and they will change our lives in ways we did not imagine.

Related articles:
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The Complete Guide to Kleem Mantra [Discover The Power of Love]
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

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The Absolute Guide to Surya Gayatri Mantra [Blessed By Lord Surya]

The Surya Gayatri Mantra or the Aditya Gayatri (Gayatri for sun) or Suriya Mantra is a powerful meditation or prayer chants dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God of the Hindus. The Suriya Mantra is deemed to be one of the first and the supreme mantras among the Gayatri mantras devoted to various Hindu deities.

The Surya Gayatri Mantra first emerged in the ancient Hindu sacred scriptures and hymns, the Rig Veda, written in the Vedic language during the Vedic period. The supreme mantra addresses the Sun God (Surya) and is highly regarded to be one of the oldest and the most powerful mantras in Hinduism.

Hindu devotees chant or meditate on the Aditya Gayatri Mantra to worship and glorify Lord Surya, the divine lord of the light who is also the creator of the universe and the source of all life on earth. The Sun God is considered a loving and merciful God who loves and protects everyone who devoutly prays and calls upon the solar deity.

By meditating on the Surya Gayatri Mantra, we invoke the Sun God who can ensure perfect health, vitality, happiness, wealth, success, strength, and powerfully aids in warding off destructive spirits. With the grace of the Lord Surya, we get all the beneficial characteristics of the sun and also receive protection against evil entities.

Chanting the supreme Gayatri Mantra in devotion to Lord Surya is believed to have divine healing powers and purify our minds. The Aditya Gayatri mantra helps by providing us with excellent health and strength and heals many skin and eye diseases.

If we meditate on the Suriya Mantra daily, Lord Surya is believed to bless us with immense courage, enhanced knowledge, and intellectual skills, happiness, fame, and prosperity. The Surya Gayatri Mantra benefits are many. The mantra also has the power to eliminate all the malefic energies of the planet sun in our astrological chart as the Sun rules and presides over the nine planets (Navagraha).

Who Exactly is Lord Surya?

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Surya is the son of Aditi, who belonged to a family of solar deities. Others believe that Lord Surya is the son of Aditi and Kasyapa, who was a Vedic sage. According to some myths, Lord Surya was a descendant of Dyaus (Sky), while some maintain that Surya was the son of Lord Brahma.

Lord Surya

The Rig Veda describes Lord Surya as the eye of Mitra, Varuna, Agni, Bull, and Bird. Surya is also believed to have been born since the inception of the Varaha Kalpa from the eyes of Virat Purusha.

Some proclaimed that Lord Surya is the heart and the soul of the Gayatri (for sun); Surya emerges as the Rig Veda at sunrise, Yajur Veda during the daytime and the Sama Veda at sunset. According to some myths, Lord Surya is Brahma at dawn, Vishnu during the day time and Siva at night time.

Alternative names of Lord Surya

Lord Surya has several alternative names and titles which include Savitri or Aditya, Surya Bhagwan or Surya Devata. Lord Surya’s name first appeared in the Rigveda in the supreme Gayatri Mantra recited from the Vedas as an invocation prayer devoted to the supreme deity.

Surya (sun) became the principal cosmic deity during the Vedic period and was known as Aditya. Lord Surya embodies all of the Adityas. Surya is also known as Savitri in the Vedic texts.

Lord Surya is also known as Vivasvat (the brilliant), Savitr (the nourisher), Bhaskara (the light-maker), Dinakara (the day-maker), Lokacaksuh (the eye of the world), Graharaja (the king of the planets), and Sahasra-Kirana (1,000 rays).
The Sun also has names like Pratyaksha Devata (God who is visible to naked eyes), Ravi, Dinkar, Bhaskar, etc.

Image of Lord Surya

Lord Surya is usually pictured sitting on a golden chariot riding across the sky and fighting the demon of darkness, drawn by seven horses and driven by Aruna (Brother of Garuda), who personifies Dawn.

In some forms, the Sun God is portrayed riding on a chariot drawn by a single horse with seven heads. Lord Surya is also depicted riding a horse and holding a big sword to show the image of the deity fighting off the evil demons each day.

Lord Surya often appears with one head wearing a jewelled crown and with four arms. In one hand, the Hindu Sun God holds a lotus flower, on the one hand, a spinning wheel or swastika (solar symbol) and a conch shell on the other.

Lord Surya as a significant God in Hinduism

Lord Surya is an important God and is referred to as the Sun (Surya) by the Hindus. The Hindus consider Lord Surya as the creator and the life-giving planet in the universe. Surya is believed to be the centre and the chief solar deity among the Navagraha (nine planets) and an essential element in Hindu astrology. The Hindu sun god rules and controls the influence of the zodiac system and removes all the malefic influences in a horoscope.

There are various Hindu festivals dedicated to Lord Surya such as Pongal, Chaath, Samba Dashami, Ratha Saptami, etc. These festivals in devotion to the Sun God are still celebrated today in some parts of India and Nepal. Many temples and shrines in India are built to celebrate the Lord of the Sun, the famous one being the Konarak Temple in Orissa.

konark sun temple in odisha
By: Trip Savvy

The Seven Horses as the Vehicle (Vahana) of Lord Surya Explained

Lord Surya rides on a golden chariot drawn by seven horses which represent the seven colors of a rainbow or the seven wheels (chakras) in the body.

The names of the seven horses of Lord Surya include;

Jaya: grants excellent mental and physical health.
Ajaya: bequeaths knowledge, kindness, and self-understanding.
Vijaya: grants spirituality, reasoning abilities, and insatiable reading powers.
Jita Prana: gives a logical mindset and profound reasoning skills.
Jita Krama: instills restraint and discipline.
Manojapa: teaches dedication and sincerity which leads one to seek the path of Truth.
Jita Krodha: grants artistic taste in fine arts and allow a person to appreciate beauty.

The seven horses of the Sun God signify the seven rays:

Susumna: This ray is similar to the illumination of a thousand rays. The Susumna ray provides life to Chandra (moon) and the Amruta supplied by the full moon gives happiness.
Surandana: The Moon is believed to have originated out of this ray.
Udanvasu: This ray led to the creation of the Mangal (Mars). The Udanvasu ray gives power, success, and wisdom.
Vishwa karma: The Budha (Mercury) emerged from this ray. The ray grants comfort and eliminate all anxieties in a person’s life.
Udavasu: This ray led to the creation of Guru (Jupiter). The Udavasu ray gives happiness and freedom to all people.
Vishwa Vyasa: Shukra (Venus) and Shani (Saturn) arose out of this ray. This ray grants male virility and longevity.
Harikesha: The stars (Nakshatra) in the sky are believed to have originated from this ray.

The Seven Horses Surya Explained
By: Hindu Blog

How to Chant the Surya Gayatri Mantra?

The Hindus strongly believe that a person should strictly adhere to the specific instructions and teachings of a Guru before chanting or meditating on the Surya Gayatri Mantras. To start meditating on this mantra, one should sit in a comfortable and relaxed position facing the East, breathe freely and allow the Sun God (Surya) to intensify our soul.

Anyone, irrespective of all ages or genders can meditate on the powerful mantra.

Some of the necessary procedures that one must follow before chanting or meditating on the Surya Gayatri Mantra are:

  1. Start reciting the Surya Gayatri Mantra at sunrise, or during Brahma Muhurta or Surya Hora of the day.
  2. Begin by meditating on the Suriya mantra four times every Sunday during Shukla Paksha or Sapthami Thithi days, or Makar Sankranti or Rakha Sapthami days. Repeat the procedure each Sunday.
  3. Recite the Surya Gayatri mantras on any Sundays and Sapthami Thithi days if one is unable to chant the mantra regularly.
  4. Chant the Surya Gayatri Mantra thrice each day for forty-eight days with full devotion.
  5. Use rosary beads (Japa Mala) to meditate on the Surya Gayatri Mantra and repeat it for 9, 27, 54, 108, or 1,008 times each day.
  6. Always take a bath or wash the hands and feet properly before reciting the mantra.
  7. Sit on a red cloth and face the direction of the East of the Puja room before chanting the mantra.
  8. Worship the Sun God by looking at a picture of Lord Surya or look up at the sun in the sky and chant the mantra.
  9. Give sweet Prasads made out of wheat and offer lotus or hibiscus to Lord Surya before chanting the mantra.
  10. Light a Diya preferably with ghee.
  11. Allow the body to relax. Inhale openly and let the muscles and the back of the neck to relax and stiffen.
  12. Commit to the Sun God (Lord Surya) and feel the positive energy of the universe.

Given below is the Surya Gayatri Mantra or the Aditya Gayatri Mantra (Gayaytri for sun):
Aum Aswa Dhwajaya Vidhmahe
Pasa Hasthaya Dheemahe
Thanno Surya Prachodayath

Surya Gayatri Mantra Meaning in English

The translation and the meaning of the Surya Gayatri Mantras in English:

Aum, enable me to meditate on the Sun God who bears a horse flag,
Oh God, the one who holds the noose in his hands, grant me a higher understanding
And allow the Lord of the Sun to light up my mind.

What are the Remarkable Benefits of the Surya Gayatri Mantra?

Meditating on the Surya Gayatri Mantra in allegiance to Lord Surya is considered to deliver several positive results to our life. The Surya Gayatri Mantra benefits are plenty. The Hindus believe that Lord Surya grants many blessings to anyone who recites the Surya Gayatri Mantras daily.

The principal Gayatri mantra helps us to accomplish the purposes in our lives as Lord Surya provides life and energy and controls our heart and our soul. The supreme mantra also has the potential to bless a person with sons.

The Surya Gayatri Mantra is chiefly beneficial for farmers and agronomists. Being the chief deity of the nine solar planets, Lord Surya (sun) dominates over the seasons. Lord Surya has the divine power to bless farmers with a bountiful harvest.

Some of the miraculous Surya Gayatri Mantra benefits are as follows:

  • It brings comfort, good fortune, and success to one who chants the mantra. We can benefit a lot by chanting the Suriya Mantra as we can obtain wealth, success and recognition.
  • The Surya Gayatri Mantra endows a person with enhanced mental and physical health and energy. The Surya Gayatri Mantra can help in curing severe skin diseases and other health ailments. The Suriya Gayatri Mantra benefits those suffering from poor eyesight and helps in curing eye diseases. The Suriya Mantra is believed to improve one’s eyesight.
  • It gives us great courage and determination to face the odds of life. We can gain power and leadership by chanting the Suriya Mantra.
  • It bestows us with higher intellect and wisdom and helps us to attain a more elevated position or status in many fields. The mantra helps in enhancing our knowledge and intellectual skills.
  • The Surya Gayatri Mantra can strengthen our inborn spirituality.
  • It enables us to express positively through persuasive and eloquent speech.
  • It helps to cleanse our minds of malice and jealousy.
  • The mantra helps to enhance the potency in males.
  • Chanting the Surya Gayatri Mantra helps to eliminate all the negative impacts including Pithur Dosa (dosa from ancestors) and Navagraha Dosa (malefic planets).

Surya Gayatri Mantra on Youtube:

You can watch an amazing video which will show you how to chant Surya Gayatri Mantra below:

(Surya Gayatri Mantra Youtube Guide)

Final Thoughts

The Surya Gayatri Mantra thus can help us to achieve happiness and peace from within followed by increased energy and capability, sound health, riches, fame, intelligence, courage, and determination.

By meditating on the Suriya Mantra, we invoke the Lord of the Sun, who has the power to cure severe diseases and who protect us against witchcraft and other ominous spirits that may affect us significantly.

Related articles:
The A-Z Guide to Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra [Blessed By Ganesha]
The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]
The Complete Guide to Kleem Mantra [Discover The Power of Love]
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]

  • Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

    If you haven’t seen it by now, my buddy Giovanni, developed a fantastic step-by-step 5-week meditation course, that I’ve taken myself as well and found valuable.

    This course has 35 daily video lessons, organized by week – each with its own unique themes, goals, and insights. These videos cover everything, from showing you how to make meditation a daily habit, to teaching you all the different meditation techniques (Mantra meditation is included as well).

    I wholeheartedly suggest this program because it teaches you to practice meditation from the “inside out” – independently.

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