The Complete Guide to Chamunda Mantra [Feel Miraculous Blessings]

There are many blessings that can be chanted during meditation. These blessings are called upon from various deities in the Hindu religion; powerful gods and goddesses who bestow blessings upon their devotees. So let’s take a look at one of the most popular blessings called Chamunda Mantra.

What is Chamunda Mantra?

Chamunda Mantra is the mantra of Chamunda Devi and with its blessings, practitioners can enjoy an improvement to all aspects of their life. It is not a mantra to bestow a single benefit, but rather to enhance the overall quality of life.

Let me explain a little bit better.

This mantra, also known as the Navarna Mantra, is in fact, it is one of the most powerful blessings one can call upon.

It is the mantra of the Goddess Devi, who is the wrathful form of Durga, the mother goddess. While Chamunda Devi is a wrathful figure, she is kind to her true devotees. Instead her wrath was brought upon demons that would harm the pious and devoted, protecting good from evil.

Through the protection of the goddess, all things will become possible for the devotee.

The Chamunda Mantra is typically given as follows:
Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche”.

We’ll go into specifics later, but the mantra combines the three feminine forces of the universe to call upon the goddess to bless and protect her followers. It bestows health, wealth and prosperity to practitioners. In a world of increasing negative, stress, and uncertainty, these blessings and protections are becoming more invaluable to the everyday lives of people.

Let’s explore this powerful blessing in depth; its origins, the deity it calls to, and the miraculous benefits it can bestow upon its users. Through greater understanding and appreciation of the mantra and its goddess, we can benefit more thoroughly from its use.

Who exactly is The Mother of Hindu Universe?

To understand the Chamunda Mantra, you must first understand who it is you call upon.

In Hinduism, the major gods and goddesses possess many incarnations which perform different roles and functions. The goddess Durga is no different. She is also known as Shakti or Devi, and is the mother of the Hindu universe.

The name in Sanskrit means fort, or a place that is difficult to overrun. This is perfect for Durga’s protective and sometimes militant nature. One of her many names is Durgatinashi, or “the one who eliminates suffering.”

Chamunda Devi, as mentioned above, is the wrathful incarnation of Durga. The name comes from combining the names of two demons, Chanda and Munda, who were destroyed by Durga.

Durga is portrayed as many-armed goddess, with anywhere between 8 and 18 arms. Each arm holds a symbolic item or weapon, with which she fights demons and evil forces.

goddess chamunda
Goddess Chamunda.
By: Pinterest

Some of these weapons and items include:

  1. Conch shell, symbolizing Pranava or the universal Om; symbolizing Durga holding onto God through sound.
  2. Bow and arrows, representing energy. Holding the bow and arrows in a single hand shows the combination of potential and kinetic energy joined as one.
  3. Thunderbolt, symbolizing firmness. Durga reminds us to attack challenges with firmness and conviction, much like a powerful thunderbolt destroying its target.
  4. Lotus; in Durga’s hand it is not yet fully in bloom. This shows us the certainty of success, but not the finality. We must remain true to our spiritual quest and not get bogged down in the mud of lust and greed.
  5. Beautiful discus, or Sudarshan-Chakra, represents the world literally wrapped around her finger. It shows the world is subservient to Durga’s whims and desires; yet at the same time it is a powerful weapon with which she destroys evil and promotes righteousness and growth.
  6. Sword, representing knowledge. Knowledge has the sharpness of a blade, cutting through the uncertainties of the world.
  7. Trident, symbolizing three qualities; inactivity, activity, and nonactivity.

When chanting the this mantra, you are calling upon this multi-armed, protective force to liberate you from evil forces and bring prosperity to your life.

How to Chant Chamunda Mantra?

There are many variations of the Chamunda Mantra. As mentioned at the start of the article, the most powerful form is the following: Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche.

Let us break this down a little. So the Chamunda Mantra in English translates to:

  • Om, the universal sound
  • Aim, the bija or seed mantra of Maha Saraswati
  • Hrim, the bija of Maha Lakshmi
  • Klim, the bija of Maha Kali
  • Chamunda, the divine mother in wrathful form
  • Viche, something like a shield or protection

Combined, the mantra combines the three feminine forces of the universe with the divine mother to shield practitioners from evil and negative forces. As you can see, it contains three bija or seed mantras, which are powerful on their own, but incredible when combined with such a chant as this.

As for how to chant the mantra itself, there are two suggested methods.

  • Chant this mantra at least 108 times (you can chant it 216 or 324 times) in the morning and evening daily. The number 108 has great significance in Hinduism.
  • Chant this mantra from morning till evening on a single day.

The mantra should be chanted at the same time and in the same place each time it is used. Have with you a picture or icon of Ma Chamunda, decorated in red. Use a rosary of sees or crystals to help you keep count.

The best day to start is the first day of Navrati or Ashtmi, being 8 days following a day with a new moon.

Like with all meditation, sit comfortably (use a meditation cushion if you can); relaxed but alert, and let thoughts pass you by rather than dwell upon them. Chant the mantra aloud, or internally. For best results it is recommended to chant aloud; the bija mantra contained within the larger mantra (aim, hrim, klim) draw power from their sound rather than an intrinsic meaning.

Once you have finished your meditation, sit in silent contemplation a few moments longer as you feel its affects fall over you, and then return to your day.

7 Miraculous Chamunda Mantra Benefits

Probably the most important benefit of chanting Chamunda Mantra is a protection from negative forces. The other ones are improved health, mental and physical strength, boost of your professional career, and improved relationships.

Let’s take a closer look at them.

Strengthen Body and Mind
The Chamunda Mantra can significantly enhance your physical and mental strength. It helps increase your focus, concentration, and confidence. These benefits will help you achieve more in all aspects of life.

Improve Health
Stress, depression and anxiety can all cause, and are themselves, health concerns. By protecting ourselves from these forces, it will will strengthen our immune systems, our hearts, and our minds. Combined, our health will improve, as our bodies are no longer burdened by such concerns and can concentrate on healthy function.

Better Sleep
Peace of mind helps us attain peaceful, restorative sleep easier; we fall asleep quicker, sleep deeper, and feel more rested. When we’re rested, we focus better, have more energy, and achieve more in our lives. The Chamunda Mantra can be a powerful tool for those who experience poor or restless sleep to restore themselves to a healthy sleep schedule.

Protection From Negative Forces
The world is full of negative energies; stress, depression, anxiety, the ill-wishes and curses of our enemies, or own doubts and self-loathings.

This Mantra is a powerful blessing, and she a powerful goddess; she will protect you from these negative influences, bringing you peace of mind, body, and spirit.

Improve Study
Students can use this mantra to aid them in their studies. The mantra bestows upon the practitioner better mental focus and acuity, helping students to retain and recall information. This can be a powerful tool for those with heavy study loads who feel themselves struggling under the weight of expectations and looming test results.

Improve Your Career
When we are protected from stress and negativity, we are able to perform better at important tasks. Our confidence in ourselves, as well as our determination and motivation, will all improve. With the blessings of the Chamunda Mantra, you will become the hardest worker at your job, providing many opportunities for promotion, raises, and career advancement.

Strengthen Your Relationships
Romantic and platonic relationships inevitably undergo struggles over time. We are only human, with conflicting needs and desires, and intense passions that can flare into arguments. These negative times and rough patches, be they between lovers, friends, or family, are just some of the negative energies and forces from which she will protect.

Final Thoughts

She calls upon the feminine forces of the universe to bestow upon us blessings of protection, prosperity, and health. While she is the wrathful incarnation of Durga, her wrath is aimed at evil and negative forces; at those things that would harm her devotees.

To demons, Chamunda is a fearful opponent; but to those who call upon her, she is a protective guardian here to usher us from evil to righteousness and prosperity.

Use this mantra to bring untold benefits to your life, not just for the small or everyday things, but for those profound causes which improve your quality of life. From study, to work, to our many relationships with other, she frees us from negative forces and blesses us with positivity.

Related articles:
The Complete Guide to Kleem Mantra [Discover The Power of Love]
The Complete Guide to Shreem Mantra [Secrets of Money Mantra]

Author: UnifyCosmos

Unifycosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. At unifycosmos, you can get engaged with spiritual action and transform your way of seeing the life. We share attentive details on mindfulness, spirituality, holistic health, sustainability, conscious creativity and voluntary simplicity. I personally invite you to come, grow and embrace spiritual paths through spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, shifting consciousness, spiritual healing, and enlightenment.